Tender Hearted Cha-Cha (P)
Improver cha cha partner dance
Jan Wagner
No Use - Royal Wade Kimes
Position: Closed Partner PositionMAN CHA-CHA STEP TO BOTH SIDES1&2Left rock out to left, recover right3&4Left next to right for cha-cha left, right, left5&6Right rock out to right, recover left7&8Right next to left for cha-cha right, left, rightCHA-CHA STEP FORWARD/BACK1&2Rock forward left, recover right3&4Left next to right for cha-cha left, right, left5&6Rock back right, recover left7&8Right next to left for cha-cha right, left, rightBREAK HOLD & CHANGE, ¼ TURN ROCK BACK STEPS, FACE PARTNER FOR CHA-CHA1&2¼ turn to left, rock back on left, recover right Man's right hand takes lady's left hand3&4¼ turn back to partner, left, right, left Join both hands5&6¼ turn to right, rock back on right, recover left Man's left hand, lady's right hand7&8¼ turn back to partner, right, left, right Join both hands9-16Repeat last 8 countsPALM TO PALM ROCK STEPS FORWARD1&2Rock forward on left, recover back right As both rock forward, extend arms so you are along side each other - turn heads to look at each other on rock forward steps - - man and lady both on right sides as they come alongside each other on 1-2, left sides on 5-63&4Left next to right for cha-cha left, right, left5&6Rock forward on right, recover back left7&8Right next to left for cha-cha right, left, rightCHANGE HOLD AND LADY DOES DOUBLE CHA-CHA SERIES AROUND MAN1&2Step down in place left, right Take lady's right hand with man's left hand and lift arms to lead lady around man's back on his left side3&4Do cha-cha step left, right, left Man with raised arm leads lady in turn under his left side so she ends facing his back5&6Step down in place right, left Man and lady switch hands, man's right hand, lady's left and lift arms to lead lady around in front of him7&8Do cha-cha step right, left, right Change to closed positionREPEATLADY CHA-CHA STEP TO BOTH SIDES1&2Right rock out to right, recover left3&4Right next to left for cha-cha steps5&6Left rock out to left, recover right7&8Left next to right for cha-cha stepsCHA-CHA STEP FORWARD/BACK1&2Rock back right, recover left3&4Right next to left for cha-cha steps5&6Rock forward left, recover right7&8Left next to right for cha-cha stepsBREAK HOLD & CHANGE, ¼ TURN ROCK BACK STEPS, FACE PARTNER FOR CHA-CHA1&2¼ turn to right, rock back right, recover left Man's right hand takes lady's left hand3&4¼ turn back to partner, right, left, right Join both hands5&6¼ turn to left, rock back left, recover right Man's left hand, lady's right hand7&8¼ turn back to partner, left, right, left Join both hands9-16Repeat last 8 countsPALM TO PALM ROCK STEPS FORWARD1&2Rock forward on right, back left As both rock forward, extend arms so you are along side each other - turn heads to look at each other on rock forward steps - - man and lady both on right sides as they come alongside each other on 1-2, left sides on 5-63&4Right next to left for cha-cha right, left, right5&6Rock forward on left, recover back right7&8Left next to right for cha-cha left, right, leftCHANGE HOLD AND LADY DOES DOUBLE CHA-CHA SERIES AROUND MAN1&2Step forward right & left next to man's side Take lady's right hand with man's left hand and lift arms to lead lady around man's back on his left side3&4½ turning cha-cha ending behind man with right, left, right Man with raised arm leads lady in turn under his left side so she ends facing his back5&6Step forward around man with left, right Man and lady switch hands, man's right hand, lady's left and lift arms to lead lady around in front of him7&8½ turning cha-cha ending facing man with left, right, left Change to closed positionREPEATENDING As dance comes to end of "no use", repeat first 8 counts and end in back corte'. Man steps forward with his left foot and leans lady back as she steps back on right foot, holding position until music stops