Stomp All Nite
Richard Large (UK)
TOE TOUCHES, CLAPS, SYNCOPATED ROCK STEPS1&2Touch right toe to right side, step right beside left, touch left toe to left side&3Step left next to right, touch right toe to right side&4Clap hands twice5&6Cross rock right over left, recover weight onto left, step right beside left7&8Cross rock left over right, recover weight onto right, step left next to right½ PIVOT, SHUFFLING ½ TURN, COASTER, HOOK9-10Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left11&12Make ½ shuffling turn on right, left, right13&14Step back on left, step right beside left, step forward on left15-16Step right foot to right side, hook left behind right slapping foot with right handTOE TOUCHES, CLAPS, SYNCOPATED ROCK STEPS17-24Repeat steps 1-8 leading on left foot½ PIVOT, LOCK STEPS, STEP TOUCHES WITH CLAPS25-26Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right27&28Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left29-30Step right to right side, touch left toe next to right clapping hands31-32Step left to left side, tough right beside left clapping handsFULL TURN RIGHT AND LEFT WITH STOMPS AND CLAPS33-34Step right to right side making ¼ turn, on ball of right make ½ turn right stepping back on left35-36On ball of left make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side, stop left beside right clapping hands37-40Repeat steps 33 to 36 leading with left footSHUFFLE, STOMPS, ½ PIVOT, STOMPS41&42Step forward on right, step left next to right, step forward on right43-44Stomp forward on left, stomp forward on right45-46Step forward on left pivot ½ turn right47-48Stomp forward on left, stomp forward on rightSHUFFLE, STOMPS, ½ PIVOT, STOMPS49-56Repeat steps 41 to 48 leading with left footHEEL SWITCHES, MONTEREY TURN WITH A HITCH, ¼ TURN, TOUCH57&58Tap right heel forward, step right next to left, tap left heel forward&59Step left next to right, touch right toe to right side60-61On ball of left make ½ turn right stepping right beside left, touch left toe to left side62-63Hitch left knee across right leg, on ball of right make ¼ turn left, step forward on right64Touch right beside leftREPEAT
On the 5th wall, dance steps 1 to 32, add on steps 29-32 once more to make wall 5 into 36 counts, then start again from step 1 to the end of the music.