Steam (And More Steam)
Tonya Coon Moore (USA)
Steam - Ty Herndon
When using "Steam," start dance on 3rd 8-count (where he says "Go"). To do the shorter 40-count version, start from the top and go through count 40 and then start over. For the longer version just continue on to count 80 and then start over from the beginning (the cross/step-touch)COUNTS 1-40 BEGIN HERE CROSS, TOUCH, CROSS, TOUCH, CROSS, BACK, STEP, TOGETHER1-2Cross-step right foot over left foot, touch left foot out to left side3-4Cross-step left foot over right foot, touch right foot out to right side5-6Cross-step right foot over left foot, step back on left foot7-8Step right foot in place (where it is), step left foot togetherSTEPS AND HIP ROLLS WITH HAND MOTIONS1-2Step right foot to right side rolling hips to the left for 2 counts and with left hand behind back bring right hand up to left side of forehead palm out and wipe it across to right side (as if wiping sweat off forehead)3-4Step right foot next to left foot rolling hips to the left for 2 counts and bring right hand behind back (left hand still behind back)5-6Step left foot to left side rolling hips to the left for 2 counts and with right hand behind back bring left hand up to right side of forehead palm out and wipe it across to left side (as if wiping sweat off forehead)7-8Step left foot next to right foot rolling hips to the left for 2 counts and bring left hand behind back (right hand still behind back)STEP, ½ LEFT, OUT, OUT, HIP SWAYS1-2Step right foot forward, pivot ½ to left (weight onto left foot)3-4Step right foot slightly out to right (option: slap right hand on right front hip pocket), step left foot slightly out to left (option: slap left hand on left front hip pocket)5-8Sway hips right-left-right-left (option: keep hands on pockets for these counts)HEEL JACK VARIATIONS, VINE RIGHT AND STEP TOGETHER&1Step right foot to right, touch left heel to left and slightly forward&2Step left foot home, cross-step right foot over left foot&3Step left foot to left, touch right heel to right and slightly forward&4Step right foot home, cross-step left foot over right foot5-7Step right foot to right, cross-step left foot behind right foot, step right foot to right8Step left foot togetherSIDE, BEND, STRAIGHTEN AND HAND JIVE1-4Step right foot out to right, slowly bend right leg leaning to right side (option: on 1-3 bring right hand up to left side of forehead palm out and wipe it across to right side as if wiping sweat off forehead; on 4 sling right hand out to right side as if slinging sweat off your hand)5-8Slowly straighten right leg to standing position (weight to left foot)START AGAIN - OR CONTINUE WITH MORE STEAM!COUNTS 41-80 BEGIN HERE WALK BACK RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT, KICK, STEP-TOUCH FORWARD THEN BACK1-3Walk back right-left-right4Kick left foot forward5-6Step left foot forward, touch right foot behind left foot7-8Step back on right foot, touch left foot next to right footFULL TURN LEFT, FULL TURN RIGHT1-2Turn ¼ to left stepping on left foot, turn ¼ to left stepping on right foot3-4Turn ¼ to left stepping on left foot, turn ¼ to left touching right foot next to left foot5-6Turn ¼ to right stepping on right foot, turn ¼ to right stepping on left foot7-8Turn ¼ to right stepping on right foot, turn ¼ to right touching left foot next to right footROCK BACK, RECOVER, FORWARD LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT, TOUCH SIDE, CROSS, FULL TURN LEFT1-2Rock back on left foot, rock forward (recover) on right foot3-5Walk forward left-right-left*6Touch right foot to right side*7Cross-step right foot over left foot starting a full turn to left*8Finish full turn ending weight on right foot and turning body diagonally left (ladies can lift left heel pointing left toe)* Optional arm styling for ladies on 3-8:3Extend right arm forward and slightly to left, flipping hand down4Extend left arm forward and slightly to right (left wrist crossed over right wrist), flipping hand down5Extend arms horizontally out to sides, flipping hands down6Hold arms horizontally out to sides7Sweep right hand around back of head left-to-right and bring left arm down to side8Extend right arm forward, flipping hand downFULL CIRCLE LEFT, TOUCH, SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, TOUCH1-3Walk around to the left in a full circle stepping left-right-left4Touch right foot next to left foot5-6Step right foot to right, touch left foot next to right foot7-8Step left foot to left, touch right foot next to left footSIDE, BEND, STRAIGHTEN AND HAND JIVE1-4Step right foot out to right, slowly bend right leg leaning to right side (option: on 1-3 bring right hand up to left side of forehead palm out and wipe it across to right side as if wiping sweat off forehead; on 4 sling right hand out to right side as if slinging sweat off your hand)5-8Slowly straighten right leg to standing position (weight to left foot)REPEAT