Sizzlin' Hot
John Robinson (USA) & Pepper Siquieros (USA)
She's On Fire - Train
WALK FORWARD RIGHT-LEFT & TOGETHER, RIGHT CROSS, LEFT SIDE POINT, LEFT CROSS, RIGHT STEP BACK TURNING ¼ LEFT, LEFT COASTER STEP Your starting wall is 12:00, but the first three steps will travel diagonally forward towards 1:301-2Right step forward diagonally right, left step forward diagonally right&3&4Right step forward diagonally right, left step next to right, right step across left, left toe point side left5-6Left step across right, pivot ¼ left and step right foot back (9:00)7&8Left step back ball of foot, right step together ball of foot, step left forwardRIGHT STEP FORWARD, SYNCOPATED TOE TAPS IN PLACE, LEFT STEP FORWARD, RIGHT STEP FORWARD, ½ PIVOT LEFT LEANING BACK, & RIGHT KICK-BALL-CHANGE1-2Step right forward, left toe tap next to right&3&4Left step next to right, right toe tap next to left, right step next to left, step left forward5-6Step right forward, pivot ½ left step keeping weight back on right foot and lean back slightly (3:00)&7&8Left step next to right, right kick forward, right step ball of foot next to left, step left forward Option:7&8Right tap-ball-changeTOE STRUTS ANGLING BODY LEFT THEN RIGHT, ¼ TURN LEFT, LEFT TOUCH, & CROSS & CROSS TRAVELING LEFT1-2Right toe touch forward across left, angling body diagonally left (towards 1:30), right step down Option:1-2Raise right foot in figure 4 (tucked close to left calf) angling body diagonally left, right step forward across left3-4Left toe touch forward across right, angling body diagonally right (towards 4:30), left step down Option:3-4Raise left foot in figure 4 (tucked close to right calf) angling body diagonally right, left step forward across left 5-6Pivot ¼ left (towards 12:00) stepping right foot side right, left touch next to right&7&8Left step side left ball of foot, right step across left, left step side left ball of foot, right step across leftLEFT SIDE STEP, 5/8 SPIRAL RIGHT, RIGHT STEP FORWARD, LEFT TOE SWEEP FORWARD, BACK, LEFT KICK & TOUCH, HIP BUMP1-2-3Left step side left, pivot 5/8 right (towards 7:30) on ball of left spiraling into right (raise right foot off floor as your pivot), right step forward towards 7:304-5Sweep left toe forward, sweep left toe back6&7Left kick forward, left step next to right, right touch next to left&8Keeping weight on left, bump hips right-left More challenging option for &7&8&7&8Paddle a full turn left. (you'll need to start the paddle on the first & count by pivoting at least ¼ left, then pivot another ¾ left on the next & count)REPEAT