Silver Saddle Bump
Larry Bass (USA)
See Ya - Atomic Kitten
KICK, STEP BACK, TOUCH, KICK STEP TOUCH, SIDE TOUCHES, COASTER STEP1&2Kick right forward, step right back angling body to right, touch left slightly in front of right3&4Kick left forward, step left slightly in front of right, touch right behind left heel&5Step right in place, touch left to left&6Step left beside right, touch right to right&Step right beside left7&8Step left back, step right beside left, step left forwardSTEP PIVOT, OUT, OUT, IN CROSS, HIP BUMPS WITH HEEL TWISTS TURNING ½ TURN9-10Step right forward; pivot ½ turn left onto left&11Step right to right side, step left to left side&12Step right to center, step left across right&13Twist heels to left while bumping hips left turning 1/8 turn right, twist heels slightly right&14Twist heels to left while bumping hips left turning 1/8 turn right, twist heels slightly right&15Twist heels to left while bumping hips left turning 1/8 turn right, twist heels slightly right&16Twist heels to left while bumping hips left turning 1/8 turn right, twist heels slightly rightCOASTER STEP, TOUCH & TOUCH WITH ¼ TURN, HIP BUMP, FORWARD SHUFFLE17&18Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward19&20Touch left beside right, step left beside right while turning ¼ turn right, touch right forward21&22&Bump hips forward, back, forward, back23&24Shuffle forward right, left, rightSYNCOPATED ROCK STEP & LONG STEP, HOLD, SYNCOPATED ROCK STEP, PADDLE TURN25&26Step left across right, rock back onto right, step left long step to left side27&28Slide right toward left, rock right back, rock forward onto left29-30Step right to right turning ¼ turn right; touch left to left while turning ¼ turn right&31Hitch left knee inward, touch left to left while turning ¼ turn right&32Hitch left knee inward, step left beside right while turning ¼ turn rightREPEAT