Shufflin' Over
Gloria Johnson (USA)
We've Got to Keep on Meeting Like This - Paul Overstreet
SPECIAL STEP SEQUENCE: The first 16 steps are basically shuffle and rock steps done in a special sequence in a diamond pattern. Imagine you are playing baseball... shuffle forward to 1st base... backward to 2nd base... forward to 3rd... and backward to home plate. On the rock steps, rock forward, rock back on foot indicated lifting the other foot slightly off the floor and twist your body 1/4 turn towards the direction you are going next (don't swivel the foot on the floor, just twist the body). When the free foot comes down, you will be starting your next shuffle step.SHUFFLIN' DIAMOND1&2Shuffle forward towards 1st base starting on right foot3Rock forward on left foot4Rock back on right foot lifting left foot slightly off floor and twisting body ¼ turn to right so your back is towards 2nd baseSHUFFLE ROUND 2D BASE5&6Shuffle backward towards 2nd base starting on left foot7Rock back on right foot8Rock forward on left foot lifting right foot slightly off floor and twisting body ¼ turn to right so you are facing 3rd baseSHUFFLE TO 3RD BASE9&10Shuffle forward towards 3rd base starting on right foot11Rock forward on left foot12Rock back on right foot lifting left foot slightly off floor and twisting body ¼ turn to right so your back is towards home plateSHUFFLE TO HOME13&14Shuffle backward towards home starting on left foot15Rock back on right foot16Rock forward on left foot lifting right foot slightly off floor and twisting body slightly to right so you are facing the pitcher's moundGRAPEVINES - VINE RIGHT WITH ¼ TURN HITCH17-19Vine right (right out to side, step left behind, right out to side)20Turn ¼ turn to right on right foot and hitch left knee at the same timeVINE LEFT WITH ¾ TURN HITCH21-23Vine left (left out to side, step right behind, left out to side)24Spin ¾ turn to left and hitch right knee at the same timeVINE RIGHT WITH STEP ON LEFT25-27Vine right (right out to side, step left behind, right out to side)28Step left foot next to right shifting weight to left footTOE POINTS29Point right toe out to right side30Step right foot behind left31Point left toe out to left side32Step left foot behind rightREPEAT