Sebastiaan Holtland (NL), Erik van Mullem, Nicky Du Breuil, Mary Kalidien, Romina Bussenius, Yoeri Chinakwie, Lieke Rijpkema, Anaifely Brion & Roy Hadisubroto (IRE)
We Be Burnin' - Sean Paul
OUT, WEIGHT CHANGE, OUT, TOGETHER, OUT, TOGETHER (SEBASTIAAN HOLTLAND)1Step right to right side and pop both knees out&Pop both knees in2Weight change to left side and pop both knees out&Pop both knees in3Weight change to right side and pop both knees out&Step left next to right and pop both knees in4Step right to right side and pop both knees out&Step left next to rightWALK AROUND (ERIK VAN MULLEM)5-8Walk in a circle starting with rightHEEL, HOOK, HEEL, FLICK, HEEL, HITCH, TOGETHER (NICKY DU BREUIL)1Right heel forward&Right hook in front of left2Right heel forward&Right flick to right side3Right heel forward&Right hitch4Right next to leftJUMP OUT, BOUNCE (2X), JUMP TOGETHER, BOUNCE (2X) (MARY KALIDIEN)5Jump both feet out and bounce Both arms waving forward6Bounce Both arms waving forward7Jump both feet together and bounce Right arm in front of body and left arm stretched out8Bounce Both arms in same positionKICK, STEP, ROCK STEP, ¼ TURN, KICK, STEP, ROCK STEP (ROMINA BUSSENIUS)1Kick right forward&Right step forward2Rock left to left side&Recover back on right3Turn ¼ to the left and kick left forward&Left step forward4Rock right to right side&Recover back on leftSTEP, STEP, STEP, STEP (WITH SHAKE) (YOERI CHINAKWIE)5Step right diagonally forward6Step left diagonally forward7Step right diagonally forward8Step left diagonally forward With both arms in front of chest and shaking bodyPADDLE TURN (WITH HIP ROLLS) (LIEKE RIJPKEMA)1Step right forward&Turn ¼ to the left2Step right forward&Turn ¼ to the left3Step right forward&Turn ¼ to the left4Step right forward&Turn ¼ to the left All with hip rollsTOUCH, HIP PUSH, TOUCH, HIP PUSH (ANAIFELY BRION, ROY HADISUBROTO)5Touch right diagonally to the right and push hip to the right Wipe right shoulder with left hand6Step right next to left7Touch left diagonally to the left and push hip to the left Wipe left shoulder with right hand&(Wipe right shoulder with left hand)8Step left next to rightREPEAT