Vicky McCulloch (CAN)
Rock-A-Billy - Holly Dunn
HEEL TOUCHES & STEPS, JAZZ BOX WITH A ¼ TURN RIGHT1-2Touch right heel forward, step right beside left3-4Touch left heel forward, step left beside right5-6Cross right over left & step down, step left down while turning ¼ right7-8Step right forward, step left beside rightMONTEREYS TO COMPLETE A FULL TURN RIGHT1-2Touch right toe to right side, swivel on ball of left foot-turn ½ right as you step right beside left3-4Touch left toe to left side, step left beside right5-6Touch right toe to right side, swivel on ball of left foot-turn ½ right as you step right beside left7-8Touch left toe to left side, step left beside rightCHARLESTONS FORWARD AND BACK1-2Step right forward, scuff left forward3-4Step left back, touch right toe back5-6Step right forward, scuff left forward7-8Step left back, touch right toe backTRAVELING TOE HEELS RIGHT AND LEFT1-2Swivel left heel to the right while you bend right knee in and touch right toe to left instep, swivel left toe to the right, while you bend right knee out and touch right heel to left instep3-4Swivel left heel to the right while you bend right knee in and touch right toe to left instep, swivel left heel slightly to the left to face front and step right next to left5-6-7-8Repeat 1-4 to the left and end weighted leftSTEP, TOUCH, SCOOT, STEP, TOUCH CROSS, TOUCH, CROSS, TOUCH1-2&Step right forward, touch left toe behind right heel, lift left toe and do a small slide back on right3-4Step down on left behind right, touch right to right side5-6Cross right over left and step down, touch left to left side7-8Cross left over right and step down, touch right to right sideKNEE IN, HOLD FOR 3 COUNTS, KNEE OUT, IN, SHUFFLE RIGHT1-2-3-4Bend right knee in towards left leg and hold (with attitude) for 3 counts5-6Swing right knee out to the right, swing right knee in towards left leg7&8Step down in place, step left next to right, step right to the right When done to the signature song, on the third time through, change counts, 7&8 to rock right,left instead of shuffle, then start again at the beginning of the dance.ROCK BACK & FORWARD, SHUFFLE LEFT, ROCK BACK & FORWARD, SHUFFLE FORWARD1-2Rock back onto left diagonally behind right, return weight to right in place3&4Step left to the left, step right beside left, step left to the left5-6Rock back onto right diagonally behind left, return weight to left in place7&8Step right forward, step left forward to right instep, step right forwardTWO ¼ TURNS RIGHT, SHUFFLE FORWARD, ROCK BACK AND FORWARD1-2Step left forward, turn ¼ right while swaying hips left, right (end weight right)3-4Step left forward, turn ¼ right while swaying hips left, right (end weight right)5&6Step left forward, step right forward to left instep, step left forward7-8Step right diagonally back behind left, return weight to left in placeREPEATBIG FINISH! If you want a big finish with the signature song, end with1-2Touch right heel forward, step right beside left3-4Touch left heel forward, step left beside right5-6-7-8Cross right over left and unwind in a full turn to the left for 4 counts End with feet crossed and arms up and out above your head.