Rock This Planet
Carl Sullivan (AUS)
Rock This Planet - Billy Ray Cyrus
Count 1&2 is done with the rhythm of a kick, ball change but you use the sole of right foot, keep both knees slightly bent & travel to front left corner.1&2Touch right foot forward & slightly left, step back on ball of right foot, step left foot forward3-4Kick right foot forward to left corner, kick right foot forward to right corner5&6Step right behind left, step ball of left to left side, step right slightly right (sailor shuffle)7-8Step left behind right, step right to right side Count 1&2 is done with the rhythm of a kick, ball change but you use the sole of left foot, keep both knees slightly bent & travel to front right corner.1&2Touch left foot forward & slightly right, step back on ball of left foot, step right foot forward3-4Kick left foot forward to right corner, kick left foot forward to left corner5&6Step left behind right, step ball of right to right side, step left slightly left (sailor shuffle)7-8Step right behind left, step left to left side 1&2Shuffle forward right-left-right3Step left forward starting a ¾ turn to right (on left foot)4Completing the ¾ turn right turn-step right forward5&6Shuffle forward left-right-left7Step right forward starting a ½ turn to left (on right foot)8Completing the ½ turn left turn-step left to left side (hip width apart) 1-2Step right forward, step left forward3-4Step right forward, tap left toe behind right foot (turn shoulders slightly left)&5-6Scoot back on right, step left back, step right back7&8Step left back, step right beside left, step left forward (coaster step)REPEAT
There is one bridge in this dance after the 2nd vanilla. You will be facing the back wall. It only occurs once.1-2Step right forward, rock back on left (starting to turn ½ turn right)3&4Completing the ½ turn right turn-small shuffle forward right-left-right5-6Step left forward, pivot turn ½ turn right (weight on right)7&8Small shuffle forward left-right-left