Renegade Boogie
Knox Rhine (USA)
Guitar Boogie - The Renegade Band
All scoots are only an inch (2.54cm) or so!VINE LEFT, HITCH/CLAP1Step to left side with left foot2Step across behind left leg with right foot3Step to left side with left foot4Hitch up right knee and scoot forward on left foot with a clapVINE RIGHT, HITCH/CLAP5Step to right side with right foot6Step across behind right leg with left foot7Step to right side with right foot8Hitch up left knee and scoot forward on right foot with a clapSTEP, HITCH/CLAP, STEP, HITCH/CLAP9Step forward with left foot10Lift right knee and scoot forward on left foot with a clap11Step forward with right foot12Lift left knee and scoot forward on right foot with a clapWALK BACK, BACK, BACK, HITCH/CLAP13Step back with left foot14Step back with right foot15Step back with left foot16Hitch up right knee and scoot back on left foot with a clapSTEP, HITCH/CLAP, STEP, HITCH/CLAP17Step forward with right foot18Lift left knee and scoot forward on right foot with a clap19Step forward with left foot20Lift right knee and scoot forward on left foot with a clapHIP BUMPS: FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, BACK21Step forward with right foot and bump hips forward-right22Bump hips back-left23Bump hips forward-right24Bump hips back-left (weight on left foot)BACK, LIFT/CLAP, FORWARD, LIFT/CLAP25Step back with right foot26Lift left knee and scoot back on right foot with a clap27Step forward with left foot28Lift right knee and scoot forward on left foot with a clap¼ TURN, LIFT/CLAP, TOUCH, CLAP29Step ¼ turn right with right foot30Lift left knee and scoot forward on right foot with a clap31Touch left toe beside right foot32Hold and clapREPEAT