Pucker Up
Tim Hand (USA)
Long Wet Kiss - Tracy Lawrence
STEP BEHIND, ¼ ½ ¼ STEP, SAILOR STEP1-2Step right to side, step left behind right3-4Step right forward making ¼ turn right step left forward5-6Turn ½ turn to right weight on right step left forward making turn right7&8Step right behind left, step left to side, step on rightSTEP BEHIND, ¼ ½ ¼ STEP, ¼ TURN SAILOR STEP1-2Step left to side, step right behind left3-4Step left forward making ¼ turn left, step right forward5-6Pivot ½ turn left weight on left step right forward making ¼ turn right7-8Swing left foot behind right pivot ¼ turn to right, step right to side step left in placeWALK, WALK, HIP BUMPS, WALK, WALK, HIP BUMPS1-2Walk forward right, hold3&4Step forward on left bump hips forward, bump hips back, bump hips forward weight on left5-6Walk forward right, hold7&8Step forward on left bump hips forward, bump hips back, bump hips forward weight on leftSTEP TURN, OUT IN OUT, WALK, WALK, OUT IN OUT1-2Step right forward, pivot ½ turn to left weight on left3&4Touch right out to side, touch next to left touch right out to side5-6Walk forward right, left7&8Touch right out to side, touch next to left touch right out to side¼ TURN, CHA-CHA WITH A ¼ TURN ¼ TURN, CHA-CHA WITH A ¼ TURN1-2Step right foot forward, turn ¼ left weight on right3&4Step left forward making ¼ turn left step right together (3rd) step left forward5-6Step right foot forward, turn ¼ left weight on right7&8Step left forward making ¼ turn left step right together (3rd) step left forwardSTEP TURN, SHUFFLE FORWARD, ROCK STEP, COASTER STEP1-2Step right forward pivot ½ turn to left, step left3&4Step right forward, step left together, step right forward5-6Rock forward on left, back on right7&8Step back on left, together with right, step forward on leftREPEATTAG 1st and 3rd wall only1-2Step left forward, step right to side3-4Kiss hand, blow on your palm