Overnight Success (P)
Rick Bates (USA) & Deborah Bates (USA)
Overnight Success - Rick Trevino
Position: Right Open Promenade Position, holding inside hands (Man's Right and Lady's Left). Partners on opposite footworkMAN'S STEPS
STEP, SLIDE, STEP, SCUFF, STEP, SLIDE, STEP, SCUFF1-2Step forward on left foot; slide right foot next to left and step3-4Step forward on left foot; scuff right foot next to left5-6Step forward on right foot; slide left foot next to right and step7-8Step forward on right foot; scuff left foot next to right to leftVINE LEFT WITH ¼ TURN, TOUCH, VINE RIGHT, TOUCH9-10Step forward on left foot making a ¼ turn to the right with the step; cross right foot behind left and step Man takes up lady's right hand in his left. Partners now facing each other in the double hand hold position. Man faces OLOD and lady faces ILOD.11-12Step to the left on left foot; touch right foot next to left Release man's right hand and lady's left. Raise man's left hand and lady's right as lady turns under upraised joined hands13-14Step to the right on right foot; cross left foot behind right and step15-16Step to the right on right foot; touch left foot next to rightVINE LEFT WITH ¼ TURN, SCUFF, JAZZ SQUARE, TOUCH17-18Step to the left on left foot; cross right foot behind left and step Release man's left hand and lady's right19-20Step a ¼ turn to the left on left foot; scuff right foot next to left Partners now facing LOD in the Right Open Promenade position holding inside hands (man's right and lady's left)21-22Cross right foot over left and step; step back on left foot23-24Step to the right on right foot; touch left foot next to rightROLLING TURN TO THE LEFT, TOUCH, ROLLING TURN TO THE RIGHT, SCUFF RELEASE INSIDE HANDS. MAN'S RIGHT AND LADY'S LEFT25-26Step to the left on left foot and begin a full rolling turn to the left traveling to the left; step on right foot and continue rolling turn to the left27-28Step on left foot and complete rolling turn to the left; touch right foot next to left and clap29-30Step to the right on right foot and begin a full rolling turn to the right traveling to the right; step on left foot and continue rolling turn to the right31-32Step on right foot and complete rolling turn to the right; scuff left foot next to right Man takes up lady's left hand in his right. Partners return to the right open promenade position, holding inside handsREPEAT
1-2Step forward on right foot; slide left foot next to right and step3-4Step forward on right foot; scuff left foot next to right5-6Step forward on left foot; slide right foot next to left and step7-8Step forward on left foot; scuff right foot nextVINE RIGHT WITH ¼ TURN, TOUCH, TO THE LEFT ROLLING TURN, TOUCH9-10Step forward on right foot making a ¼ turn to the left with the step; cross left foot behind right and step Man takes up lady's right hand in his left. Partners now facing each other in the double hand hold position. Man faces OLOD and lady faces ILOD.11-12Step to the right on right foot; touch left foot next to right Release man's right hand and lady's left. Raise man's left hand and lady's right as lady turns under upraised joined hands13-14Step to the left on left foot and begin a full rolling turn to the left traveling to the left; step on right foot and continue rolling turn to the left15-16Step on left foot and complete rolling turn to the left, touch right foot next to leftVINE RIGHT WITH ¼ TURN, SCUFF, JAZZ SQUARE, TOUCH17-18Step to the right on right foot; cross left foot behind right and step Release man's left hand and lady's right19-20Step a ¼ turn to the right on right foot; scuff left foot next to right Partners now facing LOD in the right open promenade position holding inside hands (man's right and lady's left)21-22Cross left foot over right and step; step back on right foot23-24Step to the left on left foot; touch right foot next to leftROLLING TURN TO THE RIGHT, TOUCH, ROLLING TURN TO THE LEFT, SCUFF
Release inside hands. Man's right and lady's left25-26Step to the right on right foot and begin a full rolling turn to the right traveling to the right; step on left foot and continue rolling turn to the right27-28Step on right foot and complete rolling turn to the right, touch left foot next to right and clap29-30Step to the left on left foot and begin a full rolling turn to the left traveling to the left; step on right foot and continue rolling turn to the left31-32Step on left foot and complete rolling turn to the left, scuff right foot next to left Man takes up lady's left hand in his right. Partners return to the Right Open Promenade position, holding inside handsREPEAT