Ooee Baby
Carol Mckee (AUS)
INTRO FORWARD, TOUCH & CLAP, BACK, TOUCH & CLAP, BACK, TOUCH & CLAP, FORWARD, TOUCH & CLAP1-2Step right forward, touch left toe behind right - clap hands at same time3-4Step left back, touch right next to left - clap hands at same time5-6Step right back, touch left toe across in front of left - clap hands at same time7-8Step left forward, touch right next to left - clap hands at same time9-16Repeat counts 1-8THE MAIN DANCE SIDE, TOGETHER, SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, TOUCH1-2Step right to right side, step left next to right3-4Step right to right side, touch left behind right5-6Step left to left side, touch right behind left7-8Step right to right side, touch left next to rightSIDE, TOGETHER, SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, TOUCH1-2Step left to left side, step right next to left3-4Step left to left side, touch right behind left5-6Step right to right side, touch left behind right7-8Step left to left side, touch right next to leftTWO ¼ MONTEREY TURNS1-2Touch right to right side, turn ¼ turn right on ball of left stepping right next to left3-4Touch left to left side, step left next to right5-6Touch right to right side, turn ¼ turn right on ball of left stepping right next to left7-8Touch left to left side, step left next to rightSHUFFLE FORWARD, FORWARD, BACK, SHUFFLE BACK, BACK, FORWARD1&2-3-4Shuffle forward: right-left-right, step left forward, step back on right5&6-7-8Shuffle back: left-right-left, step right back, step left forwardFORWARD, TOGETHER, FORWARD, TOUCH, FORWARD, TOGETHER, FORWARD, TOUCH1Step right 45 degrees right - pushing arms forward elbows bent waist high2Step left next to right - bringing arms back to sides elbows bent waist high3Step right forward - pushing arms forward elbows bent waist high4Touch left next to right- bringing arms back to sides elbows bent waist high5Step left 45 degrees left (11:00) - pushing arms forward elbows bent waist high6Step right next to left - bringing arms back to sides elbows bent waist high7Step left forward - pushing arms forward elbows bent waist high8Touch right next to left - bringing arms back to sides elbows bent waist highFORWARD, PIVOT TURN, SHUFFLE, FORWARD, BACK, COASTER STEP1-2-3&4Turning 45 degrees right (6:00) step right forward, pivot turn ½ turn left, shuffle forward: right-left-right5-6-7&8Step left forward, step back on to right, coaster step: left-right-leftFORWARD, TOGETHER, FORWARD, TOUCH, FORWARD, TOGETHER, FORWARD, TOUCH1Step right 45 degrees right - pushing arms forward elbows bent waist high2Step left next to right - bringing arms back to sides elbows bent waist high3Step right forward - pushing arms forward elbows bent waist high4Touch left next to right- bringing arms back to sides elbows bent waist high5Step left 45 degrees left (11:00) - pushing arms forward elbows bent waist high6Step right next to left - bringing arms back to sides elbows bent waist high7Step left forward - pushing arms forward elbows bent waist high8Touch right next to left - bringing arms back to sides elbows bent waist highDOUBLE HIP FORWARD, DOUBLE HIP BACK, ROTATE HIPS TWICE1-2Turning 45 degrees right (12:00) step right forward and bump right hip forward twice3-4Transfer weight to left and bump left hip back twice5-6-7-8Rotate hips full circle twice (clock wise) ending with weight on leftREPEATRESTART On 2nd wall, 4th wall, 6th wall, dance to count 40 then restart the danceFINISH DANCE Dance to count 48 then repeat counts 41-48