On The Edge
Kris Spratt (UK)
She Does - The Mavericks
SMALL STEPS & HIP BUMPS1-2Small step forward on right foot and push the hips to the right twice3-4Small step forward on left foot and push the hips to the left twice5-6Small step back on the left foot and push the hips back to the left twice7-8Small step back on the right foot and push the hips back to the right twice These steps are quite tricky to begin with. But if you keep the weight on the right foot over the first 5 steps and then on the second bump, exchange the weight to the left foot.ROCK AND SHUFFLE9-10Rock forward onto the right foot, step weight back onto left foot11&12Right shuffle in place; right, left, right13-14Rock to left side on left foot, step weight back onto right foot15&16Left shuffle in place; left, right, leftROCK AND SHUFFLE17-18Rock to right side on right foot, step weight back onto left foot19&20Right shuffle in place; right, left, right21-22Rock back on left foot, step weight back forward onto right foot23&24Left shuffle in place; left, right, leftRIGHT WEAVE, SLIDE AND CLAP25Step right foot to right side26Cross left foot behind right27Step right foot to right side28Cross left foot in front of right29Step right foot out to right side30-31Slide left foot up to meet right foot over two counts&32Touch left foot next to right and clap hands twice at chest heightLEFT WEAVE, SLIDE AND CLAP33Step left foot to right side34Cross right foot behind right35Step left foot to right side36Cross right foot in front of right37Step left foot out to right side38-39Slide right foot up to meet left foot over two counts&40Touch right foot next to right and clap hands twice at chest heightRIGHT KICK-BALL-CHANGE, ½ PIVOT, RIGHT KICK-BALL-CHANGE, ¼ PIVOT41Kick right foot forward&Step right foot next to left foot and lift left heel from the floor42Lower left heel and lift right heel from the floor43Step forward on the right foot44½ pivot left on the balls of both feet45Kick right foot forward&Step right foot next to left foot and lift left heel from the floor46Lower left heel and lift right heel from the floor47Step forward on the right foot48¼ pivot left on the balls of both feetCAMEL WALKS FORWARD49Step forward on right foot50Slide left foot up to meet the right foot51Step forward on right foot52Scuff right foot forward53Step forward on left foot54Slide right foot up to meet the left foot55Step forward on left foot56Scuff right foot forwardJUMP FORWARD & BACK WITH CLAPS, POINT FORWARD & TOGETHER, ¼ TURN RIGHT&57Jump forward on right foot then left&58Clap hands twice at chest height&59Jump back on right foot then left&60Clap hands twice at chest height61Point right toe forward62Touch right toe next to left foot63¼ pivot right on the balls of both feet64Hold for one count with the weight on the left footREPEAT