No Worries
Intermediate social cha
Anne Hewitt (UK)
No Worries - Simon Webbe
SWAY, SWAY, SAILOR STEP, ¼ SAILOR TURN, STEP TURN1-2Step right to right side sway hips to right, step left to left side sway hips left3&4Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side5&6Take ¼ turn left stepping back on left, step right to right side, step left to left side7-8Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left. (you are now facing 3.o clock)CROSS BACK BACK, CROSS BACK BACK, ROCK RECOVER, ¼ TURN HEEL STEP, HEEL STEP1&2Step right across left, step back on left, step right to right side. (moving back slightly)3&4Repeat above steps starting with left (moving back slightly)5-6Rock forward on right, recover on to left7&8&Take a ¼ turn right stepping right heel to right side, step ball of left next to right (&) step right heel to right side, step ball of left next to right (6:00)ROCK RECOVER, ½ TURN SHUFFLE FORWARD, ROCK RECOVER, LEFT SIDE SHUFFLE1-2Rock forward on right, recover on to left3&4Take sharp ½ turn right shuffling forward right, left, right5-6Rock forward on left, recover on to right7&8Side shuffle to left, left, right, left (12:00)¼ TURN SHUFFLE, ½ TURN SHUFFLE, ¼ STEP BALL, ¼ STEP BALL, ¼ STEP BALL ¼ STEP BALL1&2Take a ¼ right, shuffling forward right, left, right3&4Take a ½ left shuffling forward left, right, left,5&Complete a full circle right, turn starting ¼ right, stepping right forward, step ball of left next to right heel6&7&8&Repeat three more times ending with the ball of the left stepped next to right (9:00)REPEAT
Whenever Simon sings "turn the other way", just turn your head. This hits on steps 1&23&4 of the last section when you change direction with the shuffles.
Styling options, raise both arms elbows bent on the heel step heels and the circular turn at the end