Nighttime Twist
Knox Rhine (USA)
Twistin' the Night Away - Scooter Lee
Sequence: A, A, B, A, B, ASECTION A (96)
DOUBLE SHIMMY RIGHT1Step to right side with right foot2-3Shoulder shimmies4Place left foot next to right foot5Step to right side with right foot6-7Shoulder shimmies8Place left foot next to right footDOUBLE SHIMMY FORWARD9Step forward with left foot10-11Shoulder shimmies12Touch right toe next to left foot13Step forward with right foot14-15Shoulder shimmies16Touch left toe next to right footDOUBLE SHIMMY LEFT17Step to left side with left foot18-19Shoulder shimmies20Place right foot next to left foot21Step to left side with left foot22-23Shoulder shimmies24Touch right toe next to left footDOUBLE SHIMMY BACKWARDS25Step back with right foot26-27Shoulder shimmies28Touch left toe next to right foot29Step back with left foot30-31Shoulder shimmies32Touch right toe next to left footRUNNING GRAPEVINE RIGHT, BRUSH33Step to right side with right foot34Step across behind right leg with left foot35Step to right side with right foot36Step across in front of right leg with left foot37Step to right side with right foot38Step across behind right leg with left foot39Step to right side with right foot40Brush left toe forwardRUNNING GRAPEVINE LEFT, BRUSH41Step to left side with left foot42Step across behind left leg with right foot43Step to left side with left foot44Step across in front of left leg with right foot45Step to left side with left foot46Step across behind left leg with right foot47Step to left side with left foot48Brush right toe forwardCAMEL WALK, TURNING BOX49Step forward-right with right foot50Slide-lock left foot up behind right foot51Step forward-right with right foot52Step forward with left foot53Step across in front of left leg with right foot54Step back onto left toe55Pivot ½ turn right on ball of left foot, stepping forward with right foot56Step together with left footCAMEL WALK TURNING BOX57Step forward-right with right foot58Slide-lock left foot up behind right foot59Step forward-right with right foot60Step forward with left foot61Step across in front of left leg with right foot62Step back onto left toe63Pivot ½ turn right on ball of left foot, stepping forward with right foot64Step together with left footLEFT HEELS, TOES, HEELS, TOES65Move both heels to left side66Move both toes to left side67Move both heels to left side68Moves both toes to left sideRIGHT TOES, HEELS, TOES, HEELS69Move both toes to right side70Move both heels to right side71Move both toes to right side72Move both heels to right sideLEFT HEELS, HOLD, TOES, HOLD, HEELS HOLD, TOES, HOLD73-74Moves both heels to left side, hold/clap75-76Move both toes to left side, hold/clap77-78Moves both heels to left side, hold/clap79-80Move both toes to left side, hold/clapRIGHT TOES, HEELS, TOES, HEELS81Move both toes to right side82Move both heels to right side83Move both toes to right side84Move both heels to right sideLEFT HEELS, TOES, HEELS, TOES85Move both heels to left side86Move both toes to left side87Move both heels to left side88Moves both toes to left sideRIGHT TOES, HOLD, HEELS, HOLD, TOES, HOLD, HEELS, HOLD89-90Moves both toes to right side, hold/clap91-92Move both heels to right side, hold/clap93-94Moves both toes to right side, hold/clap95-96Move both heels to right side, hold/clapSECTION B (64)
TWISTING ½ TURN LEFT1Step forward onto ball of right foot2-8Twist left and right on the balls of both feet completing ½ turn left on count 8TWIST LEANING FORWARD9-16Continue twisting left and right and slowly lean forward with upper bodyTWIST LEANING BACK17-24Continue twisting left and right and slowly lean backwards with upper bodyWIGGLE DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP25-26With weight on both feet, shake shoulders and lower body down27-28Continue shoulder shakes and raise body up29-30Continue shoulder shakes and lower body down31-32Continue shaking shoulders and raise body upTWIST LEANING FORWARD33-40Resume twisting left and right and slowly lean forward with upper bodyTWIST LEANING BACK41-48Continue twisting left and right and slowly lean backwards with upper bodySTEP-SLIDE LEFT, STEP-SLIDE RIGHT49Step to left side with left foot50-52Slide right toe next to left foot53Step to right side with right foot54-56Place left foot next to right footTWISTING ½ TURN LEFT57Step forward onto ball of right foot58-64Twist left and right on the balls of both feet completing ½ turn left on count 64REPEAT FROM SECTION A