My Little Girl
Adrian Churm (UK)
My Little Girl - Paul Bailey
ROCK BACK & SIDE SHUFFLE, ROCK BACK & SHUFFLE FORWARD, PIVOT TURN, TWO WALKS FORWARD, TWO DIAGONAL LOCK STEPS1-2Step left foot back replace weight onto right3&4Side shuffle to left side stepping left, right, left5-6Step right foot back, replace weight onto left7&8Forward shuffle stepping right, left, right9-12Step left foot forward, make a half turn right, walk forward left, right13-14Step left foot diagonally forward left, lock right foot behind left&Step left foot slightly to left side (small step)15-16Step right foot diagonally forward right, lock left foot behind rightSIDE ROCK & CROSS SHUFFLE TWICE, SIDE SHUFFLE MAKING A QUARTER TURN LEFT, ROCK BACK, STEP, FULL TURN RIGHT WITH A HOOK, AND SHUFFLE FORWARD17-18Step right foot to the right side replace weight onto left19&20Step right in front of left, step left foot to the left side, step right in front of left21-22Step left foot to the left side, replace weight onto right23&24Step left foot over right, step right foot to the right side, step left over right25&26Side shuffle to the right side stepping right, left, right, making a ΒΌ turn left27-28Step left foot back, replace weight forward onto right29-30Step left foot forward, make a full turn right hooking right foot in front of left shin on the second half of the turn31&32Shuffle forward right, left, rightSTOMP LEFT FOOT DIAGONALLY FORWARD AND TAP LEFT HEEL 3 TIMES AND REPEAT WITH RIGHT FOOT, CROSS ROCK, TWO TURNING SHUFFLES MOVING BACK, AND COASTER STEP33-36Stomp left foot diagonally forward left, raise and tap left heel to the floor three times37-40Repeat 33-36 with the right foot41-42Step left foot forward and across right, replace weight back on to right foot43&44Moving back make a half turn to the left as you shuffle left, right, left45&46Continue to make a further half turn to the left as you shuffle right, left, right47&48Step left foot back, close right to left, step left foot forwardSIDE POINT & STEP TWICE, TWO HEEL GRINDS WITH QUARTER TURNS, COASTER STEP, SYNCOPATED WEAVE49-52Point right foot to the right side, step right foot forward, point left foot to the left side step left foot forward53-54Touch right heel forward (foot slightly turned in) make a quarter turn right as you grind heel around stepping onto left foot55&56Step right foot back, close left to right, step right foot forward57-60Repeat 53-56 on the opposite foot turning the heel grind a quarter to the left61-62Step right foot to the right side, step left foot behind right&63-64Step right foot slightly back next, step left foot in front of right, step right foot to the right sideREPEAT
At the start of every other wall 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc
1-4Rock step left foot back replace weight onto right, shuffle to the left side (left, right, left)5-8Rock step right foot back, replace weight onto left, shuffle to the right side (right, left, right)