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Knox Rhine (USA)
Cotton Pickin' Time - Marcy Brothers
Start on 13th heavy drum beatSHUFFLE 1, SHUFFLE 2, WALK, 2, 3, KICK:1Step back with right foot&Step together with left foot2Step back with right foot3Step back with left foot&Step together with right foot4Step back with left foot5Step forward with right foot6Step forward with left foot7Step forward with right foot8Kick left foot forwardWALK BACK, 2, 3, BALL-CHANGE, VINE RIGHT, KICK:9Step back with left foot10Step back with right foot11Step back with left foot&Step behind left heel with ball of right foot12Step across in front of right leg with left foot13Step to right side with right foot14Step across behind right leg with left foot15Step to right side with left foot16Kick left foot forward-right / clap handsVINE LEFT, KICK, STEP, KICK, STEP, KICK:17Step to left side with left foot18Step across behind left leg with right foot19Step to left side with left foot20Kick right foot forward-left / clap hands21Place right foot next to left foot22Kick left foot forward-right / clap hands23Place left foot next to right foot24Kick right foot forward-left / clap handsRIGHT HEEL-HEEL, TOE-TOE, HEEL-TOE, RIGHT HEEL, HOOK:25Touch right heel forward26Tap right heel forward27Touch right toe back28Tap right toe back29Touch right heel forward30Touch right toe back31Touch right heel forward32Hook right foot up across in front of left legRIGHT HEEL, TOGETHER, FAN RIGHT, FAN LEFT, LEFT HEEL-HEEL:33Touch right heel forward34Place right foot next to left foot35Rotate right toe to right side36Rotate right toe to center37Rotate left toe to left side38Rotate left toe to center39Touch left heel forward40Tap left heel forwardLEFT TOE-TOE, HEEL-TOE, HEEL, HOOK, OUT, TOGETHER:41Touch left toe back42Tap left toe back43Touch left heel forward44Touch left toe back45Touch left heel forward46Hook left foot up across in front of right leg47Touch left heel forward48Place left foot next to right footHEEL SPLITS, SCUFF-BALL-CHANGE, SCUFF-BALL-CHANGE:49Split both heels apart50Close both heels together51Split both heels apart52Close both heels together53Scuff right heel forward&Step in place with ball of right foot54Step 1/8 turn left in place with left foot55Scuff right heel forward&Step in place with ball of right foot56Step 1/8 turn left in place with left footSCUFF-BALL-CHANGE, KICK-KICK:57Scuff right heel forward&Step in place with ball of right foot58Step in place with left foot59Kick right foot forward&Bend right leg60Kick right foot forwardREPEAT