Moonlight Memories
foxtrot LineDanceSport Routine
Max Perry (USA)
My Moonlight Memories of You - Barry Manilow
Sequence: Intro, Main, Bridge 1, Main (1-64), Bridge 2, Main to the endINTRO (DANCE STARTS AFTER 8 COUNTS)1-12(#1) Basic Forward & Back13-18(#2) Promenade Walk19-24(#4A) Left Rock Turn25-32(#4A) Left Rock Turn with an extra "side, together" (QQ) Now facing 6:0033-36(#4C) Sway (first 4 counts only)37-72Repeat 1-36 of Intro Now facing 12:00MAIN BODY1-8(#9) Twinkle & Twist (first 8 counts)9-24(#8) Manhattan (repeating)25-32(#5) Forward Twinkle (open ending)33-40(#5) Mambo - Open Left Box counted as SQQ41-48(#5) Mambo - Open Left Box counted as SQQ49-52(#5) Foxtrot - Forward Twinkle turning ¼ Left (SQQ) Now facing 9:0053-56Weave - In Front, Side, Behind, Side with TTO (QQQQ)57-62Slow walk around turn - step right forward & across, step left in place, step right side turning a total of 360 left (SSS) Still should face 9:00 wall63-64Rock left behind right in 5th position and turn ¼ left, step right in place (QQ) Should face 6:0065-128Repeat 1-64 of Main Body Should face 12:00BRIDGE 11-16(#5C) Waltz - Progressive Twinkles (closed ending) counted as SQQ17-20(#4A) Foxtrot - Left Rock Turn21-24(#4A) Foxtrot - Left Rock Turn25-30(#4C) Foxtrot - Sway with an extra side, together (QQ) You will do counts 1-64 of Main Body of dance after completing Bridge 1.BRIDGE 2 Be careful. This is similar to, but slightly different than, the Intro1-8(#3) Foxtrot - Turning Box (2 phases)9-20(#1) Basic Forward & Back21-26(#2) Promenade Walk27-32(#4A) Left Rock Turn33-38(#4A) Left Rock Turn39-42(#4C) Sway You will repeat the Main Body of dance until the end after completing Bridge 2.