Misery - I Believe I Like It
Johnny Montana (USA)
Without Your Love - Aaron Tippin
WEAVE RIGHT1-2Step to right side onto right foot, step to right side onto left foot crossing behind right3-4Step to right side onto right foot, step to right side onto left foot crossing in front of rightSCUFF, CROSS, COASTER STEP5-6Scuff right foot forward, cross right foot over left and step (jazz box type cross)7&8Step back onto sole of left foot, step onto sole of right foot next to left, step forward onto left footSHUFFLE FORWARD, STEP, TURN9&10Shuffle forward right, left, right11-12Step forward onto left foot, pivoting on soles of both feet make a ½ turn to the right (to the right) transferring weight to right footTURN, TOUCH, TOUCH-STEP-TOUCH13-14Pivoting on sole of right foot make a ¼ turn to the right (to the right) and take a lo-o-ong step to left side onto left foot, touch right toe next to left15&16Touch right toe forward, step onto right foot next to left, touch left toe forwardSTEP-KICK-SCOOT-STEP, COASTER STEP&17&18Step onto left foot next to right, bend right knee kick right foot forward, scoot back on sole of left foot, step back onto right foot The kick in this move wants to be like you were pushing something away with your foot19&20Step back onto sole of left foot, step onto sole of right foot next to left, step forward onto left footBALL-CHANGE-KICK, BALL-CHANGE-STEP&21-22Step back onto sole of right foot, step forward onto left foot, kick right foot forward&23-24Step back onto sole of right foot, step forward onto left foot, step forward onto right footBALL-CHANGE-KICK, BALL-CHANGE-STEP&25-26Step back onto sole of left foot, step forward onto right foot, kick left foot forward&27-28Step back onto sole of left foot, step forward onto right foot, step forward onto left footTURN(ROCK FORWARD), REPLACE(ROCK BACK), COASTER STEP, PUSH STEP29-30Pivoting on sole of left foot make a ½ turn to the right (to the right) transferring weight to right foot, step back onto (replace weight) left foot31&32&Step back onto sole of right foot, step onto sole of left foot next to right, step forward onto right foot&Step to left side onto sole of left foot pushing body to right side and into the weave starting the danceREPEAT