Margaret C (UK)
Millennium - Robbie Williams
&1Step right in place. Point left out to left side&2Step left in place. Point right out to right side&3Step right leg back on right diagonal hitching left up to right knee&4Place left leg back down on spot. Point right leg back on right diagonal ¼ turning to right weight on both feet&5&6&7&8Hip roll to the right downwards with hip pop twice 9Step right backward with Charleston step10-11Point left leg back ½ turning to left, rolling hips to the left12Place left heel down13Hook right behind left slapping foot with left hand&Swing right heel to right side slapping foot with right hand14Swing right heel in front of left leg slapping foot with left hand15&16Step forward right, rock back on left, step back right 17-18Drag left foot back lifting right heel (popping right knee) drag right foot back lifting left heel (popping left knee) traveling backwards19&20Repeat steps 15 to 18 starting on left leg21-22(Finish with weight on left leg)23-24Monterey step in place(with rolling hip movement)right out to right side and back in place 25-26Repeat steps 23-24 on left leg27&28Right sailor step29-30Place left leg back ½ turning left, hooking left leg slapping knee with right hand31&32Forward left shuffle 33-34Step right foot forward ½ turning left, hooking left leg slapping knee with right hand35&36Forward left shuffle37-38¼ turning to left on ball of left foot into pigeon toes & heels,39&40Toes, heels, toes (travel to right) with arm movements down & up, down, up, downREPEAT