Manchester (Spirit Of Freedom)
Charlie Bowring (UK)
We Shall Be Free - Garth Brooks
1&2Left shuffle forward3&4Step right to side, ½ turn right on ball of left, step right to side5-6Step left to side, rock onto right7&8Step left behind right, step right to side, step left across in front of right 9&10Step right diagonally forward, angling body 1/8 turn left bumping hips right, left, right11&12Step left diagonally forward, angling body 1/8 turn right, bumping hips left, right, left13&14Step right side, making ¼ turn left bumping hips right, left, right15&16Left shuffle ¾ turn left continuing to travel forward 17&18Kick right forward, in place, side19&20Step right behind left, step left to side, touch right beside left21&22Step right forward, pivot ½ left, ½ turn left stepping back on right 23-24 step left to side, slide right to left (no weight on right) 25-26Step right to side, step left beside right27&28Step right forward, touch left behind right, ¼ turn right stepping onto left29-30Step right to side, rock onto left31&32Shuffle right to sideREPEAT
End of 5th wall:
1-2Walk forward right, left3&4Step right forward, rock back on left making ½ turn right, step right forward5-8Mirror counts 1-4 with left 9&10¼ turn left stepping right to side, pushing hips right, left, right11&12½ turn left stepping left to side, pushing hips left, right, left13&Bump hips right, left14¼ turn right stepping on right15&Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right16Touch left in place next to right