Make Me Beg
Mike Cook (USA)
Straight Tequila - Trini Triggs
LEFT TOE FAN, RIGHT TOE FAN, RIGHT HEEL FAN, LEFT HEEL FAN1-2Fan left toes left, return next to right3-4Fan right toes right, return next to left5-6Fan right heel right, return next to left7-8Fan left heel left, return next to rightRIGHT TOE STRUT/SNAP, LEFT TOE STRUT/SNAP, KICK RIGHT TWICE, BACK RIGHT, TOUCH LEFT9-10Touch right toes forward, step right heel down and snap fingers11-12Touch left toes forward, step left heel down and snap fingers13-14Kick right forward, kick right forward15-16Step back on right, touch left toe back¼ LEFT, SCUFF RIGHT, SIDE RIGHT, STOMP LEFT, SWIVEL & BUMP RIGHT TWICE, SWIVEL & BUMP LEFT TWICE17-18Step left foot ¼ turn left, scuff right next to left19-20Step right foot right, stomp left next to right21&22Swivel heels right & bump hip right, bump hip right23&24Swivel heels left & bump hip left, bump hip leftSIDE RIGHT, SLIDE LEFT, RIGHT ACROSS, HOLD/SNAP, SIDE LEFT, SLIDE RIGHT, LEFT ACROSS, HOLD/SNAP25-26Step right to the right, slide left next to right27-28Step right across left, hold and snap fingers29-30Step left to the left, slide right next to left31-32Step left across right, hold and snap fingersRIGHT STRUT BACK/SNAP, ¼ LEFT STRUT/SNAP, RIGHT STRUT/SNAP), LEFT STRUT/SNAP33-34Step right back on ball of foot, step right heel down and snap fingers35-36Step ¼ turn left on ball of left, step left heel down and snap fingers37-38Step right next to left on ball, step right heel down and snap fingers39-40Step left next to right on ball, step left heel down and snap fingersREPEAT
This dance should be done in swing position with knees, arms & shoulders bouncing and back bent forward.