Al Dobbins (USA)
I Just Couldn't Say No - Alabama
SIDE STEP LEFT, CROSS STEP, SIDE SHUFFLE LEFT, ROCK STEPS SHUFFLE FORWARD1Step to the left on left foot2Cross right foot behind left and step3&4Shuffle sideways to the left (left-right-left)5Step back on right foot6Rock forward onto left foot7&8Shuffle forward (right-left-right)ROCK STEPS, TURNING SHUFFLE, ROCK STEPS, TRIPLE IN PLACE9Step forward on left foot10Rock back onto right foot11&12Shuffle (left-right-left) making a ½ turn to the left13Step forward on right foot14Rock back onto left foot15&16Triple step in place (right-left-right) 17-32Repeat beats 1-16SIDE LEFT STEP-SLIDE, TURN, KICK, CROSS, UNWIND, SAILOR SHUFFLE33Step to the left on left foot34Slide right foot over next to left and step35Step to the left on left foot making a ¼ turn to the left with the step36Kick right toot forward37Cross right toot over left38Unwind ½ turn to the left (weight on right foot)39Cross left foot behind right and step&Step slightly to the right on right foot40Step left foot next to rightSIDE RIGHT STEP-SLIDE, TURN, KICK, CROSS, UNWIND, SAILOR SHUFFLE41Step to the right on right foot42Slide left foot over next to right and step43Step to the right on right foot making a ¼ turn to the right with the step44Kick left foot forward45Cross left foot over right46Unwind ½ turn to the right (weight on left foot)47Cross right foot behind left and step&Step slightly to the left on left foot48Step right toot next to leftPIVOTS, TURNING SHUFFLE, SAILOR SHUFFLE, DIAGONAL STEPS
The following pivots travel to the right&Pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of right foot49Step down on left foot&Pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of left foot50Step down on right toot51&52Shuffle (left-right-left) making a ½ turn to the right53Cross right foot behind left and step&Step slightly to the left on left foot54Step right foot next to left55Cross left foot in front of right and step forward and diagonally to the right on left foot while clapping hands on hips56Step forward and diagonally to the right on right foot while "high five" slapping hands with person on each side of you (or clap hands)STEP BACK, PIVOT, SYNCOPATED CROSS STEPS, SAILOR SHUFFLE, DIAGONAL STEPS57Step back on left foot&Pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of left foot58Step down on right foot59Cross left foot over right and step & cross right foot over left and step60Step back on left toot With faster music, replace beats 59&60 with a triple in place (left-right-left)61Cross right foot behind left and step&Step slightly to the left on left foot62Step right foot next to left63Cross left foot in front of right and step forward and diagonally to the right on left foot while clapping hands on hips64Step forward and diagonally to the right on right foot while "high five" slapping hands with person on each side of you (or clap hands)REPEAT