Maggie May
William Sevone (UK)
Maggie May - Rod Stewart
2X BACKWARD TOE STRUT, ¼ RIGHT TOE STRUT, ½ LEFT TOE STRUT, (9:00)1-2Step backward onto right toe, drop right heel to floor3-4Step backward onto left toe, drop left heel to floor5-6Turn ¼ right & step right toe to right side, drop right heel to floor7-8Turn ½ left & step left toe to left side, drop left heel to floor¼ LEFT STEP FORWARD, ½ LEFT SLOW COASTER STEP, LOCK, STEP FORWARD, STEP DIAGONAL RIGHT, STEP DIAGONAL LEFT, (12:00)9-10Turn ¼ left & step forward onto right foot, turn ½ left & step backward onto left foot11-12Step right foot next to left, step forward onto left foot13-14Lock right foot behind left, step forward onto left foot15-16Step right foot diagonally forward right, step left foot diagonally forward left On counts 15 - 16: turn body into direction of moveRIGHT FORWARD DIAGONAL: STEP, LOCK, STEP, TURNING SCUFF, LEFT FORWARD DIAGONAL: STEP, LOCK, STEP, TURNING SCUFF, (12:00)17-18(Moving diagonally right) step forward onto right foot, lock left foot behind right19(Moving diagonally right) step forward onto right foot20Scuff left foot diagonally forward right and continue by turning diagonally left21-22(Moving diagonally left) step forward onto left foot, lock right foot behind left23(Moving diagonally left) step forward onto left foot24Scuff right foot diagonally forward left and continue by turning forward to face wallROCK FORWARD, ROCK, ½ RIGHT STEP FORWARD, ½ RIGHT STEP BACKWARD, SLOW COASTER STEP, ½ RIGHT STEP BACKWARD, (6:00)25-26Rock/step forward onto right foot, rock onto left foot27-28Turn ½ right & step forward onto right foot, turn ½ right & step backward onto left foot29-30Step backward onto right foot, step left foot next to right31-32Step forward onto right foot, turn ½ right & step backward onto left footREPEAT
The dance will end on count 24 of the 20th wall, to end with a slight flourish, at the end of count 24, touch right toe next to left foot with right hand on hat brim and left hand on left hip