Love On The Inside
Sandy Kerrigan (AUS)
The Love You Left Behind - Heather Myles
1-2Rock/step forward on left, replace weight on right3&4Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left in front of right5-6Step right to right turning ¼ left, rock back on left7&8Full turn forward right, triple step right-left-right 1-2&Step left to left side, step right behind left, ½ side turn left, step left to left side3-4Side hip sway right and left side5&6Cross right behind left, step left to left, cross right in front of left7-8Cross left in front of right, unwind ½ turn right keeping weight on left 1-2Rock/step back on right turning ¼ right, replace weight forward left3&4Step forward right making a full turn left, step left together, step back on right5-6Rock/step back on left, replace weight forward right7&8Step forward left turning ½ right, step right back together, step forward left 1-2Rock/step forward right, replace weight back to left&3-4¼ right stepping right to right, rock/step left across right, replace weight back to right&5-6Step left to left side, step forward right, ½ pivot left7-8Step forward right ½ turn left, drag left toe back past right footREPEAT
On wall 3, restart after count 16
From the back wall unwind ½ right
1-2Rock/step back on right, replace weight forward left
3&4Turn a full turn left forward right-left-right triple right5-6Rock/step forward left, replace weight back to right7-8Step back on left, drag right heel back together