Love Cry
Anita Ludlow (UK)
Wont Cry for Love - Paul Rutter
Sequence: ABCC, AABCC, AA, Tag, CCCCPART A TOE STRUTS FORWARD X 3. STEP BACK RIGHT. STEP TOGETHER. ON LEFT1-4Left toe forward, drop heel to floor. Right toe forward, drop heel to floor5-8Left toe forward, drop heel to floor. Step back on right, step left next to right Bring right arm above head, left arm low & slightly behind left hip & click fingers. Reverse 2 more times with the toe strutsGRAPEVINE RIGHT WITH BRUSH. GRAPEVINE LEFT WITH HITCH ¼ TURNING RIGHT9-12Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, brush left foot forward13-16Step left to left side, step right behind left, qtr turn right and step back on left, hitch right kneeSLOW COASTER HITCH. STEP HITCH. STEP HITCH17-20Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right, hitch left knee21-24Step forward on left, hitch right knee. Step forward on right, hitch left kneeROCK, CROSS, HOLD ON LEFT & RIGHT25-28Rock left to left side, recover weight on right, cross left over right & hold for one count29-32Rock right to right side, recover weight on left, cross right over left & hold for one countPART B STEP FORWARD TOUCH, STEP BACK HITCH, STEP BACK HEEL DIG, STEP PLACE TOUCH1-4Step left forward, touch right next to left. Step back on right hitch left knee5-8Step back on left (leaning slightly back), dig right heel forward. Step forward on right, touch left next to rightSTEP SIDE TOGETHER, STEP SIDE SLAP HEEL. STEP SLAP HEEL, STEP SLAP KNEE9-12Step left to left side, step right next to left. Step left to left side, take right foot behind left leg & slap right heel with left hand13-16Step right to right side, take left foot behind right leg & slap left heel with right hand. Step left slightly forward, hitch right knee slapping with left handHEEL HITCH, SWITCH HEEL HITCH. CAMEL WALK TWICE (LASSO ARNS)17-18&19-20Dig right heel forward, hitch right knee. Step onto right foot, dig left heel forward, hitch left knee21-24Step forward on left, slide right up to meet left. Step forward on left, touch right next to left (lasso arms with these two moves)MONTEREY TURN. MONTEREY TURN WITH HOLD25-28Touch right leg to right side, step right leg in place as you turn to right on ball of left foot. Touch left leg to left side, step left next to right (weight on left)29-32Touch right leg to right side, step right leg in place as you turn to right on ball of left foot. Touch left leg to left side, holdHOLD & CLAP33-36Hold last position as above count 32 for these four counts clapping twice on count 35, & 36PART C ROCK BACK. FULL TURN WITH STEP HOLDS1-4Rock back on left, recover weight on right. Qtr turn left as you step left, hold for one count5-8Qtr turn left as you step on right, hold for one count. Half turn left by swiveling on ball of right foot as you step left, hold for one count Hold arms with hands shoulder height, clicking fingersSTEP,LOCK,STEP,TOUCH. STEP BACK TOUCH STEP BACK TOUCH9-12Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward, touch left next to right13-16Step back on left, touch right next to left. Step back on right, touch left next to right2 X PIVOT TURNS WITH HOLDS17-20Step forward on left & hold for one count, half turn right & step on right, hold for one count21-24Repeat as aboveWALK FORWARD X 3 & HITCH. WALK BACK TWICE & HITH25-28Step forward left, step forward right, step forward left, hitch right knee29-32Step back right, step back left, step back right, hitch left kneeTAG STEP BRUSH TWICE, STAMP TWICE, CLAP TWICE1-4Step forward on left, brush right foot beside left. Step forward on right, brush left foot beside right5-8Stamp left foot in place, stamp right foot in place, clap hands twiceSTEP TOUCH TWICE STAMP TWICE, CLAP TWICE9-12Step back on left, touch right next to left. Step back on right, touch left next to right13-16Stamp left foot in place, stamp right foot in place, clap hands twiceSCOOCH & CLAP&17-18Slide left slightly forward, slide right slightly forward, clap hands on count 18&19-20Slide left slightly forward, slide right slightly forward, clap hands on count 20