Looking For Mary
Frank Cooper (CAN)
Mary Lopez - Billy Crawford
TOUCH RIGHT TO RIGHT SIDE, DRAG TOE TO LEFT FOOT WHILE MAKING A ¼ TURN TO THE RIGHT ON THE BALL OF LEFT FOOT, SHUFFLE FORWARD RIGHT, TWO ¼ TURNS TO RIGHT1-2Touch right toe to right side, slide right toe to left foot while making a ¼ turn to the right on the ball of the left foot3&4Step forward right, step together with left, step forward right5-8Touch left toe forward pivot ¼ turn to right, touch left toe forward pivot ¼ turn to the rightSHUFFLE FORWARD LEFT, KICK BALL TOUCH, CROSS BALL CHANGE, PIVOT ¼ TURN LEFT9&10Step forward left, together with the right, step forward left11&12Kick right foot forward, step slightly back on the ball of the right foot, touch left toe forward, angling body 45 degrees to the right13&14Cross left foot over right, step back on the ball of the right foot, step forward on left15-16Point right toe forward, pivot ¼ turn leftCROSS BALL STEP TWICE RIGHT AND LEFT, CROSSING SHUFFLE RIGHT, CROSS LEFT OVER RIGHT UNWIND ½ TURN RIGHT17&18Cross right over left, step open on the ball of the left foot, step right with the right foot19&20Repeat steps 17 & 18 on the left foot21&22Cross right over left, side step to the left, cross right over left23&24Cross left over right, unwind legs ½ turn to right keeping weight on right footSHUFFLE FORWARD LEFT, PIVOT ½ TURN LEFT, SHUFFLE FORWARD RIGHT, SIDE STEP LEFT, SLIDE TOUCH RIGHT TOE TO LEFT FOOT25&26Step forward left, together with the right, step forward left27-28Point right toe forward, pivot ½ turn left29&30Step forward right, together with the left, step forward right (for styling put a bit of Latin motion in your hips)31-32Step left foot to the side, slide your right toe to left footREPEAT