Gloria Johnson (USA)
Brain In a Jar - James Bonamy
TOE TOUCHES1-2Touch right toe to right side; step right foot behind left3-4Touch left toe to left side; step left foot behind right5-6Touch right toe to right side; step right foot behind left7-8Touch left toe to left side; step left foot behind right.SHUFFLE, DOUBLE KICK, SHUFFLE, DOUBLE KICK9&10Step right foot forward; step left together; step right foot forward11-12Kick left foot forward twice13&14Step left foot forward; step right together; step left foot forward15-16Kick right foot forward twice.TURNING SAILOR SHUFFLE17&18Swing right foot around behind left and step on it; step on left; step on right (turning 1/8 turn to the left)19&20Swing left foot around behind right and step on it; step on right; step on left (turning 1/8 turn to the left)21&22Swing right foot around behind left and step on it; step on left; step on right (turning 1/8 turn to the left)23&24Swing left foot around behind right and step on it; step on right; step on left (turning 1/8 turn to the left--now facing opposite LOD).HIP SWIVELS25-32Rotate or swivel hips in a circular motion to the left turning ¼ turn leftREVERSE GRAPEVINE, HEEL/TOE TOUCH, KICK-BALL-CROSS33-34Step right foot to right side; cross-step left over right35-36Step right foot to right side; hold37-38Touch left heel forward; touch left toe to left side39&40Kick left foot forward; step on left foot; cross-step right foot over leftREVERSE GRAPEVINE LEFT, HEEL/TOE TOUCH, KICK-BALL-CROSS41-42Step left foot to left side; cross-step right over left43-44Step left foot to left side; hold45-46Touch right heel forward; touch right toe to right side47&48Kick right foot forward; step on right foot; cross-step left over right.REPEAT