Limbo Jump
Brenton Talbot (AUS), Lorraine Talbot (AUS) & Sharon Johns (AUS)
Limbo Rock - Chubby Checker
1-4Right toe touch to the side, right toe back in place, right toe touch to the side, hold in position for one beat5-8Right foot step behind left foot, left foot step to side. Right foot step across left foot, hold position for one beat 9-12Left toe touch to the side, left toe back in place. Left toe touch to the side, hold in position for one beat13-16Left foot step behind right, right foot step to side, left foot step across right foot, hold position for one beat17-20Right toe touch to right 45 degrees, slap right heel with left hand behind left leg, right step in place. Hold21-24Left toe touch to left 45 degrees, slap left heel with right hand behind right leg, left step in place, hold 25-28Vine left, left, right, left, ½ turn left scuff right29-32Vine right, right, left, right., Scuff left33-36Vine left, left, right, left, ½ turn left scuff right37-40Vine right, left, right, Step left beside right 41-44Step left 45 degrees, hip bump right left, hold45-48Step right 45 degrees hip bump left right, hold49-52Step left 45 degrees, hip bump right left, hold53-54Jump legs apart, arms apart 55-56Lean back jump forward57-58Lean back jump forward59-62Step right forward, turn ¼ left, stomp right beside left and clap63-64Left swivet centerREPEAT