Kiss Me Goodbye
Kelli Haugen (NOR) & Aina Fystro (NOR)
Hello Goodbye - Ann Tayler
Sequence: A, B, A(start facing front), C, B(start facing back) A, Ending Dance received 2nd place at the 2nd UCWDC Norwegian Championships.PART A
Start facing back
STEP, ½ TURN, STOMP, CLAP, STEP, ½ TURN, STOMP, CLAP1-2-3-4Step right forward, ½ turn left on left, stomp right next to left, clap5-6-7-8Step left forward, ½ turn right on right, stomp left next to right, clapGRAPEVINE RIGHT HEEL JACK AND CROSS, STEP, TOUCH, ½ TURN, STEP9-10&11&12Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, touch left heel to left, step left in place, cross right over left13-14-15-16Step left to left, touch right toe next to left, ½ turn right on right, step left next to rightSTEP, TOUCH, STEP, TOUCH, STEP, TOGETHER, STEP, SCUFF17-18-19-20Step forward right, touch left next to right, step back left, touch right next to left21-22-23-24Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward, scuff left heelGRAPEVINE LEFT SCUFF, GRAPEVINE RIGHT STEP25-26-27-28Step left to left, cross right behind left, step left to left, scuff right heel29-30-31-32Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, step left next to rightSTEP, TOUCH, STEP, TOUCH, STEP, TOGETHER, STEP, SCUFF33-34-35-36Step forward left, touch right next to left, step back right, touch left next to right37-38-39-40Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward, scuff right heelGRAPEVINE RIGHT SCUFF, GRAPEVINE LEFT STEP41-42-43-44Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, scuff left heel45-46-47-48Step left to left, cross right behind left, step left to left, step right next to leftPART B
Facing front
Moving towards 3:00, feet angled at 1:301-2-3-4¼ right step right, kick left, step left, kick right5-6-7-8Step right, kick left, step left (3:00), ½ turn right landing on right Arms: in counts 1-6 place left hand on left hip, right hand face height palm facing front and shake it (fingers spread on both hands)STEP, KICK, STEP, KICK, STEP, KICK, STEP, ½ TURN
Moving towards 9:00, feet angled at 10:309-10-11-12Step left, kick right, step right, kick left13-14-15-16Step left, kick right, step right (9:00), ½ turn left landing on left Arms: in counts 9-14 place right hand on right hip, left hand face height palm facing front and shake it (fingers spread on both hands)WEAVE RIGHT, STEP, TOUCH, STEP TOUCH
Facing 3:0017-18-19-20Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right21-22-23-24Step right to right, touch left next to right, step left to left, touch right next to leftBOX STEP ¼ TURN, HEEL TOE LIFTS25-26-27-28Cross right over left, step left back, ¼ turn right step right to right, step left next to right29-30-31-32Lift right heel and left toe, center (flat feet together), lift left heel and right toe, center, lift right heel and left toe 33-64Repeat steps 1-32 of Part B starting facing backPART C
Facing back
HEEL STRUT, HEEL STRUT, CHUCK BERRY'S1-2-3-4Step right heel forward, slap right toe down, step left heel forward, slap left toe down5-6-7-8Hop back on left foot while tapping right toe behind left foot 4x Arms: elbows bent circle forearms backwards with each hopSTEP, TOUCH CLAP, STEP, TOUCH CLAP, OUT, CROSS, ½ TURN, CLAP9-10-11-12Step right to right, touch left next to right and clap, step left to left, touch right next to left and clap13-14-15-16Hop both feet out, hop both feet in crossing right over left, ½ turn left ending with weight on both feet, clap 17-32Repeat steps 1-16 of Part C (facing front)ROCK, RECOVER, STEP, CLAP, 2X33-34-34-36Rock right to right, recover left, step right next to left, clap37-38-39-40Rock left to left, recover right, step left next to right, clapSLAP, CLAP, SNAP, CLAP 2X41-42-43-44Slap both hands on both thighs, clap, snap fingers on both hands shoulder height, clap45-46-47-48Repeat counts 41-44ENDING
Facing front
REPEAT STEPS 1-8 OF PART A9-10-11-12Step right forward, ¼ turn left landing on left (keep head facing front, looking over right shoulder), hold and look over left shoulder, hold and look over right shoulder13-14-15Touch right foot next to left, place left hand on left hip and kiss palm of right hand, bend knees and blow the kiss off of right hand!