Wiggle Up, Giddy Up
Paula-jayne Ogilvie (AUS) - February 2025
Wiggle Up, Giddy Up! - The Wiggles & Dasha
**2 tags 1 restart.
This dance I have dedicated to my friend Ruth goding
Thank you so much for suggesting this music
Was so fun to choreograph and super catchy tune
Section 1 vine R, heel digs L,R,L
1,2,3,4step RF to R side, step LF behind R, step RF to R side, dig L heel 45° to left
5,6,7,8step LF beside RF, dig R heel 45° to right side, step RF beside LF, dig L heel 45° to L side.
Section 2 vine L touch, hip bump, walk forward R,L
1,2,3,4step LF to left side, step RF behind LF, step LF to L side, touch RF beside LF
5,6,7,8place R toe forward bump hip up then down, walk forward R,L
Section 3. Step forward, 1/4 turn L, step forward, 1/4 left, forward kick, back touch
1,2,3,4step RF forward, 1/4 L bringing weight on LF, step RF forward, 1/4 turn L bringing weight on LF.
5,6,7,8step RF forward, kick LF forward, step LF back, touch RF beside LF.
Section 4. Walk forward R,L,R, kick, walk back L,R,L touch
1,2,3,4step RF forward, step LF forward, step RF forward, kick LF forward.
5,6,7,8step LF back and, step RF back, step LF back, touch RF beside LF.
TAG: 8 count Tag walls 4 and 5.
1&2&step RF, clap, step LF forward clap
3,4step RF forward, turn 1/2 turn left bringing weight to LF
5&6stop RF beside LF, clap, clap
7&8step LF to left side pushing L hip out to L side, bring hip back to center, push hip back out to L side,
Repeat tag x4
Tag 1 happens after wall 4. Tag 2 happens wall 5 after 16 counts. After completing tag x4 restart the dance again at 12°
Enjoy :)
For more details contact me. paulajogilvie1988@gmail.com
Last Update: 25 Feb 2025