I'll Take You There

S.M. Fulton (USA) - February 2025
I'll Take You There - The Staple Singers
Bored to Death - Eric Hutchinson
She's a Fool - Lesley Gore

Music: -
I’ll Take You There/Staple Sisters [start on “place” in “I know a place”]
Bored to Death/Eric Hutchinson– 16-count intro
She’s a Fool/Lesley Gore- 16-count intro

R heel-heel, R toe-toe, R forward-rock, recover, R coaster step
1 2Touch R heel forward. Repeat.
3 4Touch R toe slightly back. Repeat.
5 6Rock forward R, recover back L
7 & 8R coaster step: R back, L together, R forward

L heel-heel, L toe-toe, L forward-rock, recover, L coaster step
1 2Touch L heel forward. Repeat.
3 4Touch L toe slightly back. Repeat.
5 6Rock forward L, recover back R
7 & 8L coaster step: L back, R together, L forward

Vine quarter right [3:00], touch, vine left, touch
1 2 3 4Grapevine right with quarter turn to 3:00 (R side, L behind, R quarter step). Touch.
5 6 7 8Grapevine to left. Touch.

Jazz box quarter turn [6:00], straight jazz box
1 2 3 4R jazz box quarter turn (R cross, back L one-eighth, side R one-eighth, forward L)
5 6 7 8R jazz box (R cross, L back, R side, L forward)
OPTION: Take the level of difficulty down a notch by doing a straight jazz box instead of the quarter-turning one. This would make the dance 4 walls.
OPTION: Take the level of difficulty up a notch with two R kick-ball-changes instead of the second jazz box.

NOTE: This dance is aimed at teaching left and right coaster steps as well as both straight and turning jazz boxes and, optionally, kick-ball-changes.