Petrics Best

Phrased Improver
Ivonne Verhagen (NL) - February 2025
The Best - Petric

Description: AB dance (A 48 COUNTS / B 32 COUNTS)

Intro: 16 Counts, Approx 8 seconds
Sequence A-A B-B A B-B A(32counts) TAG B-B

SEC 1 - Side rock step, behind side cross, side, rock, step, behind side forward
1,2rock right to the right side, recover on left
3&4step right behind left, step left to the left side, cross right over left
5,6rock left to the side, recover on right
7&8step left behind right, step right to the side, step left FWD

SEC 2 - Step FWD hold, & step FWD hold, & step FWD half turn left, walk, right walk left,
1,2&step right FWD, hold, close left to right
3,4&step right FWD, hold, close left to right
5,6step right FWD, pivot half turn left
7,8step right FWD, step left FWD

SEC 3 Repeat section 1

SEC 4 Repeat section 2

SEC 5 - Rock step, shuffle back, rock step, shuffle forward
1,2rock right forward, recover on left
3&4step right back, close left to right, step right back
5,6rock left back, recover on, right
7&8step left forward, close right to left, step left forward

SEC 6 - Jazz box, hold four counts
1-4cross right over left, step left back, step right to the side, step left FWD
5-8step right to the side (the weight on both feet) hold for four counts

SEC 1 - Out out hold, sailor step, sailor quarter turn left, 2X walk 1/8 turn left
&1,2step right out, step left out, hold
3&4Cross right behind left, step left slightly to the left side, step right slightly right
5&6,1/4 turn left & cross left behind right, step right slightly to the side, step left slightly to the side
7,81/8 turn left & step right FWD, 1/8 turn left & step left FWD

SEC 2 - 1/4 turn, left, shuffle, 2X walk 1/8 turn left ,1/4 turn, left, shuffle, 2X walk
1&21/8 turn left & step right FWD, close left to right, 1/8 turn left and step right FWD
3,41/8 turn left & step left FWD, 1/8 turn left & step right FWD,
5&61/8 turn left & step left FWD, close right to left, 1/8 turn left and step left FWD
7,8walk right, walk left

SEC 3 - Cross rock step, side shuffle, cross rock step, 1/4 turn left, shuffle
1,2cross rock step right over left, recover on left
3&4step right to the side, close left to right, step right to the side
5,6cross rock step left over right, recover on, right
7&81/4 turn left & step left to the side, close right to left, step left to the side

SEC 4 - Walk FWD right left right, kick left FWD, step back left, and right, coaster step
1-4walk FWD on right left right, kick left FWD
5,6step left back, step right back
7&8step left back, close right to left, step left FWD

TAG after 32 counts. See the order:  A-A B-B A B-B A(32counts) TAG
-8 counts both arms up
-8 counts right arm to the side
-8 counts left arm to the side
-8 counts both arms up

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Last Update: 4 Mar 2025