Mambo Mamma

Easy Intermediate
Kate Sala (UK) - February 2025
Mambo Mamma - Danztunz - The Dance Album

Music available -
Start on the word ‘Mamma”.

Rock Forward, Side Rock, Behind, Side, Cross, Touch Left.
1 - 4Rock forward on R. Recover on to L. Side rock on R to right side. Recover on to L.
5 - 8Cross step R behind L. Step L to left side. Cross step R over L. Touch L out to left side.

Cross Step, Touch Right, Jazz Box, Cross, Step Right, Drag In.
1 2Cross step L over R. Touch R out to right side.
3 - 6Cross step R over L. Step back on L. Step R to right side. Cross step L over R.
7 - 8Long Step R to right side. Drag L towards R. (Restart during wall 4, stepping L next to R on count 8)

Turn 1/4 Left, Rock Back, Recover, Turn 1/2 Right Stepping Back, Hold, Rock Back, Recover.
1 2Turn 1/4 left rocking back on L. Recover onto R. 9:00
3 4Turn 1/2 right stepping back on L. Hold. 3:00
5 6Slightly Cross rock on R behind L. Recover on to L.

Slow Side Mambo Right, Slow Side Mambo Left, Slow Coaster Step, Brush.
7 - 1Side rock on R out to right side. Recover onto L. Step R next to L.
2 - 4Side rock on L out to left side. Recover onto R. Step L next to R. (Restart on walls 6, 9, 10)
5 - 8Step back on R. Step L next to R. Step forward onto R. Brush L forward.
TO be danced ONLY on walls 2, 3, 7, 8, 11 ( Step ball of L next to R on count 8 and restart.)

Step Forward, Brush, Step Forward, Pivot 1/2 Turn Left, Step, Hold, Step, Pivot 1/4 Right, Cross.
1 - 2Step forward on L. Brush R forward.
3 - 6Step forward on R. Pivot 1/2 turn left. Step forward on R. Hold
7 - 1Step forward on L. Pivot 1/4 turn right. Cross step L over R. 12:00

Unwind 1/2 Turn Right over 3 Counts.
2 - 4Unwind 1/2 turn right over 3 counts. (Weight on L) 6:00

During wall 2, 3, 7, 8, 11 - count 32, changing ‘brush’ for Step L next to R. Start again.

During wall 4 after count 16 - Drag L to R and put weight on L for count 16. (Facing Front)

TAG 1: End of wall 5 facing back. 1 2, Long step R to right side. Drag L towards R.
3 4,Long step L to left side. Drag R towards L.

During wall 6, 9, 10 - after count 28. (These are 2 Instrumental walls plus 1 vocal wall.)

TAG 2: End of wall 11 facing front after count 32, There is a pause in the music,
Bring straight arms up in front of you and then back down twinkling your fingers, restart the dance from the beginning on the word ‘Mamma’.

Ending: Dance wall 12 up to count 35, Pivot 1/4 left to face the front and cross step R over L.

The Music really does help with the restarts !!! LOVE TO DANCE!