Askin' For a Friend (Am I Okay?)
Sarah Preston Britto (USA) - February 2025
Askin' for a Friend - Sean Hogan
Am I Okay? - Megan Moroney
Country Girls - Jess Moskaluke
Askin’ for a Friend – Sean Hogan 118 BPM
Am I Okay? - Megan Moroney 126 BPM (1 Restart)
Country Girls – Jess Moskaluke 115 BPM (2 Restarts)
See below for restart notes.
[1-8]: Rocking Chair, 1/4 turn to left, 2 walks
1-4Weight starts L, Rock R forward, recover L, Rock R back, recover L
5-6Step R forward, pivot 1/4 L over L shoulder
7-8Walk forward R, walk forward L
[9-16]: Diagonal Step Touch (K-Step)
1 – 2Step R to right front diagonal, Touch L beside R
3 – 4Step L to left back diagonal, Touch R beside L
5 – 6Step R to right back diagonal, Touch L beside R
7 – 8Step L to left front diagonal, Touch R beside L
[17-24]: Vine R touch L, Vine L touch R
1 2 3 4Step R to R Side, cross L behind R, step R to R side, touch L
5 6 7 8Step L to L Side, cross R behind L, step L to L side, touch R
[25-32]: Side Touches R & L, Walk around 1/2 circle R
1 - 2Step R to R side, touch L
3 - 4Step L to L side, touch R
5 6 7 8Walk around ½ R, Step R, L, R, L
Restart Notes:
Am I Okay? - Megan Moroney
Wall 5: Restart after 16 counts facing 9:00
Country Girls – Jess Moskaluke
Wall 2: Restart after 16 counts facing 12:00
Wall 4: Restart after 16 counts facing 12:00