It Is the Life
Tracey Collins (NZ) - February 2025
This Is the Life - Amy Macdonald
16 Count Intro
One Restart
Side, Together, Side Shuffle, Rock Back, Recover, Side Shuffle
1, 2Step R to right side, Step L beside R
3&4Step R to right side, Step L beside R, Step R to right side
5, 6Step L back, Recover weight onto R
7&8Step L to left side, Step R beside L, Step L to left side
Point, Point, Coaster Step, ½ Pivot, Shuffle Forward
1, 2Point R toe across L, Point R toe to right side
3&4Step R back, Step L beside R, Step R forward
5, 6Step L forward, Pivot ½ on R (facing 6:00)
7&8Step L forward, Step R beside L, Step L forward
*Restart here on wall 3
Heel, Hook, Heel, Coaster Step, Out, In, Out, Shuffle Forward
1&2Place R heel forward, Hook R leg in front of L leg, Place R heel forward
3&4Step R back, Step L beside R, Step R forward
5&6Point L toe out to left side, Point L toe beside R foot, Point L toe out to left side
7&8Step L forward, Step R beside L, Step L forward
½ Pivot, Shuffle Forward, Paddle, Recover, Paddle, Touch
1, 2Step R forward, Pivot ½ on L (facing 12:00)
3&4Step R forward, Step L beside R, Step R forward
5, 6Step L forward turning a ¼ turn, Recover weight onto R (facing 3:00)
7, 8Step L forward turning a ¼ turn, Place R toe beside L (facing 6:00)
Restart: After 16 counts on walls 3 (facing 6:00)
Ending: At end of wall 8 (facing 12:00) -Hold until the word “to-night.” Start wall 9 as she sings “night” and dance the first 14 counts. For the last steps (7 and 8) substitute a ½ pivot in place of the shuffle forward, then place feet together to finish the dance.
7, 8Step L forward, Pivot ½ on R (facing 12:00)
9Place L beside R
(The ending is easier than it sounds).
This dance is for my Aunty Jan.