I Don't Care
E.M.G (INA) & Firdaus (INA) - February 2025
I DON'T CARE ( Dj Ralph Remix ) - Dance Trends | Dance Fitness | Zumba
Intro : 32 count - No tag No restart
Sec 1 : walk RL, mambo, rock recover, hips bump
1 2walk RF forward (1), walk LF forward (2)
3 & 4step RF forward (3), step LF in place (&), step RF beside LF (4)
5 6rock LF forward (5), recover on RF (6)
7 & 8bump left hip forward (7), bump left hip back (&), bump left hip forward (8)
Sec 2 : step back touch RL, step back out out RL, hips sway
1 2step LF backward (1), touch RF inplace (2)
3 4step RF backward (3), touch LF inplace (4)
5 & 6step LF backward (5), step RF out backward (&), step LF out (6)
7 8sway hips to the right (7), sway hips to the left (8)
Sec 3 : rolling vine, vine
1 2turn right 1/2 step RF forward (1), turn right 1/2 step LF to the left (2)
3 4turn right 1/4 step RF to the right (3), touch LF beside RF (4)
5 6step LF to the left (5), step RF behind LF (6)
7 8step LF to the left (7), touch RF beside LF (8)
Sec 4 : Monterey 1/4 turn right, jazz box
1 2point RF to right side (1), 1/4 turn right close R to L (2)
3 4point L to left side (3), step L beside R (4)
5 6step RF over LF (5), step LF backward (6)
7 8step RF to the right (7), step LF over RF (8)