
Absolute Beginner
Daniela Seidel (DE) - February 2025
Everytime - The Flames

Start after 36 Counts
Rock Step, Shuffle back, Back Rock, Shuffle Forward.Rock
12 3&4RF rock forward, Recover on LF, RF back, LF close near RF, RF back
56 7&8LF rock back, Recover on RF, LF forward, RF close near LF, LF forward

Cross, Point, Cross, Flick, Rocking Chair
12 34RF cross over LF, LF Point to side, LF cross over RF, RF Flick (1/4 Turn to L)
56 78RF rock forward, Recover on LF, RF rock back, Recover on LF

Point RToe , Close, Point LF Toe, Close, Out, Out, In, In
12 34Point RToe forward ( RKnee bend), Close RF to LF, Point LToe forward (LKnee bend) , Close LF to RF
&56&78Hop RF out, (+) ,Hop LF out (5), Hold (6), Hop RF in (+), Hop LF in (7), Hold (8)

Swivels to R, Hitch+Clap hands, Swivels to L, Hitch+Clap hands
12 34 3 Swivels with closed feet, Start with Heels to right, then left, then right (123) LF Hitch on 4, Clap both hands with the Hitch
56 78 3 Swivels with closed feet to left. Start with Heels to left, then Heels right, Heels left,(123) RF Hitch on 4, Clap both hands with the Hitch.

Tag at the end on Wall 4 and Wall 8

Step Touch, Step Touch:
12 34Step RF to right, Tap LToe next to RF, Step LF to left, Tap RToe next to LF

Enjoy and have fun !!


Last Update: 2 Feb 2025