Riina Suni (FIN), Juulia Nurminen (FIN) & Petri A. Räty (FIN) - December 2024
Onni (feat. Tuure Kilpeläinen) - Lili & Luna
Intro: 16 (approx. 9 secs)
Notes: Tag: After 4th wall [12:00]
Ending: Last wall starts at [09:00], after kicks and coasters (20c), turn to the 1st wall
[1-8] Heel Switches RLR, Hook RF + Slap, Grapewine R, Touch LF + Clap
1&2&Touch RF heel to front, Step RF together, Touch LF heel to front, Step LF together
3,4Touch RF heel to front, Hook RF to front of LF and Slap with left hand
5,6,7Step RF to R side, Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R side
8Touch LF next to RF and Clap
[9-16] Rolling Vine L, Touch RF + Clap, RF Rodeo kick with Coaster Step
1,2,3* Turn ¼L and Step LF forward, Turn ½L and Step RF back, Turn ¼L and Step LF side
4Touch RF next to LF and Clap [12:00]
5,6Kick (touch) RF forward, Kick (touch) RF side
7&8Step RF back, Step LF together, Step RF forward
* Non-turning option: Grapevine L
[17-24] LF Rodeo kick with Coaster step, Lock step, Full turn L, RF Heel
1,2Kick (touch) LF forward, Kick (touch) LF side
3&4Step LF back, Step RF together, Step LF forward
&5Lock Step onto RF ball behind LF, (long) Step LF forward (prep for left turn)
6,7** Turn ½L and Step RF back, Turn ½L and Step LF forward [12:00]
8Stop the turn onto RF heel in the front
** Non-turning option: Walk, Walk
[25-32] Jump Pivot ¼R, Crossing Shuffle R, Half turn L, Side Steps (Sway) RL
&1,2Jump RF together and Jump forward onto LF, Turn ¼R and return onto RF [03:00]
3&4Cross LF over RF, Step RF together/slightly side, Cross LF over RF
5,6Turn ¼L and Step RF back, Turn ¼L and Step LF side [09:00]
7,8Step RF side (and Sway R), Step LF side (and Sway L)
[Tag] RF Heel bounces / Stomp Ups
1,2,3,4Bounce RF heel / Stomp Up with RF x4
v2025.02.01en Linedance by Riina + Juulia, Tag by Petri page 1 of 1