
Mary Beth Hurst (USA) - January 2025
Stargazing - Myles Smith

#16 count intro

[Sec 1] Two R Heel Fans, Two R Stomps ( w knee slaps on & cts), R Kick ball change, Step R ¼ turn Left. end 9:00
&1&2.R Heel: out, closed, out, closed
&3&4R Knee: up/slap, stomp, up/slap, stomp
5&6R Kick, Step R, Step L
7 8.R stp Fwd, ¼ turn L, Step L

[Sec 2] Left Weaving Syncopated Grapevine, Left side Rock, Left Triple 3/4 turn Right
(ALL TRIPLES travel Line of Dance towards 12:00 ALL Triples have “LILT”)
1 2.Stp R over L, Stp L side L,
3&4.Stp R behind L, Stp L side L, Stp R over L,
5 6.Stp L Rock side L, Recover R = start rotating body ¼ R to 12:00
7&8Stp fwd L 12:00, closed R 3:00, Stp back L 6:00

[Sec 3] Right Triple turning ½ Right, Left Triple Forward 12:00 Right Forward Mambo, Left Backward Coaster (end 12:00)
1&2Stp back R, closed L 9:00, Stp R side then rotate body to 12:00
3&4Stp fwd L, close R, stp fwd L
5&6R rock step fwd, recover L, Stp back R
7&8L stp back, R stp closed, L stp forward

[Sec 4] Step Right, Point Left, Step Left, Point Right, JAZZ box ¼ turn Right. end 3:00
(Hold still for 4 cts at the end of wall 4)
1234.Stp Fwd R, point L side, Stp Fwd L, Point R side R,
5678.Stp R across L (¼ turn R) Stp L back, Step R side R, Stp L closed

TAG: (Hold still for 4 cts at the end of wall 4)

Enjoy Choreos Making top 100 in past 6 months July 2024 - Jan 2025

#9 I Fell in Love with a Cowgirl, #10 EZ Ain’t NO Love in Oklahoma, #12 Post Malone Cha
Cha, #22 Love Somebody Bachata, #33 Somethin Bout a Women, #34 Keepin’ it country. Also
new Blackberry Wine Boogie & Smile