Red-Light Green-Light
Ray Jones (WLS) - January 2025
Greenlight (feat. Flo Rida & LunchMoney Lewis) - Pitbull : (Clean Version)
Intro: 25 seconds - start on ‘go’
No tags or restarts
SEC 1 Step Diagonal, Touch step to the side ¼ touch grapevine touch
1,2Step right forward to right diagonal, Touch left next to right
3,4step left to left side making 1/4 turn over right shoulder, touch right next to left
5,6Step right to right, side step left behind right
7,8Step right to right side, touch left next to right
SEC 2 grapevine touch v step
1,2Step left to left side, step right behind left,
3,4Step left to left side, touch Right next to left
5,6Step forward on right to right diagonal, step forward on left to left diagonal
7,8step back on right step back on left
SEC 3 Walk, Walk, stomp hold bounce ¼ x4
1-2Step right forward, step left forward
3,4Step right forward, hold one count,
5-6bounce heels 1/8 turn over left shoulder
7,8bounce heels 1/8 turn to face 12 o’clock
SEC 4 cross side cross ¼ turn stepping forward rocking chair
1-2cross right over left, step left to left side
3,4cross right over left ,step forward on left making ¼ turn over left shoulder
5,6Rock forward on right , recover weight onto left,
7-8Rock back on right, recover the weight onto left
Hope you all enjoy the dance and have fun
Any enquiries
Last Update: 2 Feb 2025