More Than Just a Crazy Night

Ingryd Marie (USA) - January 2025
Love Somebody - Morgan Wallen

#32 count intro (about 16 seconds into song)

Section 1
1,2,3,4Step together with hip bump (Step right, step left next to right, step right, point left foot out with a left hip bump)
5,6,7,8Step together with right hip bump (Step left, step right next to left, step left, point right foot out with a right hip bump)

Section 2
1,2,3,4Rolling vine to the right point left foot out with a left hip bump
5,6,7,8Rolling vine to the left, point right foot out with a right hip bump
*Non turning option, repeat Section 1
**Other option: Do 1 rolling vine and the other can be another step together.

Section 3
1,2,3, 4Scissor right with a hold (Step right, together, cross & hold)
5,6,7, 8Scissor left with a 1/4 turn right (Step left, together, turn right & hold.

Section 4
1,2,3,4Rocking chair (rock forward, rock back)
5,6,7,8Full turn (step right foot forward, pivot a half to the left, step right foot forward, pivot a half to the left)
*Non turning option - do another rocking chair

Section 5
1&2,3,4Lindy to the right, (Shuffle RLR, rock back with your left recover on right)
5&6,7,8Lindy to the left. (Shuffle LRL, rock back on right, recover on the left)

Start over.