New Year Happiness Around 2025
Tina Tjhin (INA) & Ria Joyful (INA) - January 2025
New Year Happiness Around - Crystal & Bingyen
Sequence : 32 32 Tag1 32 32 Tag1 24 Tag2 32 Tag1 32 32 Tag1 32 32 32
#5 TAGs and 1 Restart
Intro : 32 counts (start on vocal)
Section I [1-8]. Walk 3X, Kick, Back 3X, Touch
1234Step Forward RLR, Kick Lf
5678Step backward LRL, Touch Rf next to Lf
Section II [9-16]. ROCKING CHAIR 2X
1-2step Rf forward, recover on Lf
3-4step Rf back, recover on Lf
5678repeat [9-12]
Section III [17-24]. ¼ Right Turn Jazz Box (2X)
1-2cross Rf over Lf, step Lf back
3-4turn ¼ to R stepping Rf on R side, step Lf forward
5 – 8repeat Section [17-20]
Tag2 + Restart happen here on Wall 5 (6.00)
Section IV [25-32]. Grapevines RL
1-2step Rf to R side, cross Lf behind Rf
3-4step Rf to R side, touch Lf next to Rf
5-6step Lf to L side, cross Rf behind Lf
7-8step Lf to L side, touch Rf next to Lf
Tag1 (8 counts) at the end of Wall 2, 4, 6,& 8
Repeat Section [1-8]
TAG2 (4 counts) V Step happens on Wall 5
after 24 counts , then followed by Restart.
Enjoy the dance !
Check out “New Year Happiness Around” By Julita Chia (INA) if you are looking for a High Beginner Level dance to the same track.
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Hp: 0817796673 and
Last Update: 19 Jan 2025