Blackberry Wine
Mary Beth Hurst (USA) - January 2025
Blackberry Wine - Tanner Usrey
No Tags No Restarts
This dance can be on the floor with the intermediate version “blackberry wine boogie”
They have the same flow on the floor and are similar.
SET A start dance with the Lyrics.
(1-8) Right K-Step w/ ¼ L Turn and R Brush ends 9:00
1, 2Step R forward to R diagonal (1), touch L together (2) 12:00
3, 4Step L back to L diagonal (3), touch R together (4) 12:00
5, 6Step R back to R diagonal (5), touch L together (6) 12:00
7, 8Turn ⅛ L and step L forward (7), turn ⅛ L and brush R beside L (8) 9:00
(9-16) Step R Double Bump, Step L Double Bump
9-12Stp R open low, Bump twice R, Stp rise L closed.
13-16Stp L open low, Bump twice L, Stp rise R closed.
(1-8) Four Heels Drops while rotating a ¼ turn Left to 6:00
1-4R heel fwd 9:00, stp R in place, ⅛ turn L Strike L heel fwd, stp L in place
5-8R heel fwd, stp R in place, ⅛ turn L Strike L heel fwd, stp L in place 6:00
(9-16) Heel Toes travel towards 9:00 while facing 6:00
9-16Tiny moves of heels & toes continuously at your sped 6:00
(1-16) Vine Right, Vine Left, ½ Turn, Vine Right, Left Vine, ¼ turn
1-4Step R to right side, Step left behind R, Step R to right side, Touch L next 6:00
5-8Step L to left side, Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Touch R next to L, ¼ turn L
6–12Step R to right side, Step left behind R, Step R to right side, Touch L next 9:00
13-16Step L to left side, Step R behind L, Step L to L side½ turn left 9:00 swing R through
SET D Four kicks RLRL while making slow ½ turn L
(1-8) ½ Left turn completed with 4 Right Kick ball change steps
1-4Kick R (1), Step R (2) down, Kick L (3) in place, repeat end 6:00
5-8Kick R (5), Step R (6) down, Step L (7) in place, Stp L down (8) 3:00
(9-16) Step R Diagonal Tap L, Step L Diagonal Tap R, V Step 3:00
9-12Four Steps forward alternating R(1) L(2) R(3) L(4) Keep knees bent.
13-16Stp R fwd Diag R, Stp L fwd Diag L, Stp R back to place, Stp L back to place
Feel free to contact me for any assistance.
MBDance please check out other new choreo: Plead the Fifth, EZ ain’t No love in
Oklahoma, Love Somebody Bachata, and a new collaboration is coming soon!