Cowboy Songs
Dustin Betts (USA) & Joey Warren (USA) - January 2025
Cowboy Songs - George Birge
* 16 Count Intro (approx.…15 secs)
Step-Touch-Step Back, ½ Turn, Full Turn, Step-Raise-Sweep, Behind-Side-Cross
1-&-2Step R fwd, Touch L Toe behind R foot, Step back L (Tip cowboy hat on touch)
3-4&5½ Turn R stepping R fwd, ½ Turn R stepping L back, ½ Turn R stepping R fwd, Step L fwd
6 – 7Step R fwd as you raise up on ball of R, Recover back on L as you sweep R out
8-&-1Step R behind L, Step L out to L, Cross R over L @ 6:00
¼ - Side Cross, ¼ - ½ Walk Walk, Fwd Recover-Side Recover
2-&-3¼ Turn R stepping L back, Step R out to R, Cross L over R
4&-56¼ Turn L stepping R back, ½ Turn L stepping L fwd, Walk fwd R - L
7&8&Rock fwd on R, Recover back on L, Rock R out to R, Recover over to L
*** After Fwd Recover-Side Recover end facing R diagonal @ 1:30
5/8 Diamond rotating to the R, ¾ Pivot over R shoulder
1-2-&Step R back, Step L back, ¼ Turn R stepping R fwd @ 4:30
3-4-&Step L fwd, Step R fwd, ¼ Turn R stepping L back @ 7:30
5-6-&Step R back, Step L back, 1/8 Turn R stepping R out to R @ 9:00
7 – 8Cross L over R, Pivot ¾ Turn to R as you step R slightly fwd @ 6:00
¼ Side Sweep, Behind ¼ - ¼ Sweep, Behind ¼ Press Recover, Ball Step – Rocking Chair
1-2&3¼ Turn R stepping L out to L and sweeping R front to back, Step R behind L, ¼ Turn L stepping L fwd, ¼ Turn L stepping R out to R sweeping L front to back @ 3:00
4-&-5Step L behind R, ¼ Turn R stepping R fwd, Press/Step L fwd slightly raising R off floor @ 6:00
6 - &Recover back on R, Ball step L back beside R
7&8&Rock R fwd, Recover back on L, Rock R back, Recover fwd on L
**** (Open your body up on these don’t keep them square on forward direction)
RESTART: During wall 3 you will only dance the first 16 counts. Instead of doing the fwd recover side recover you will replace it with the rocking chair at the end of the dance. Wall 3 starts at 12 o’clock and you will restart the dance also at 12 o’clock!
Last Update – 14 Jan. 2025 – R1