Come Walk With Me
Helena Jeppsson (SWE) - January 2025
Walk With Me - Felix Jaehn & Shouse
Note: two versions of the song are available. Edit version has a 32 count intro, the
original longer version has a 64 count intro.
Walk fwd, side step, touch
1-4Walk fwd R, L, R, L
5,6Step RF to right side, touch L beside RF
7,8Step LF to left side, touch R beside LF
Grapevine R and L (option: rolling vine)
1,2Step RF to right side, step LF behind RF
3,4Step RF to right side, touch L beside RF
5,6Step LF to left side, step RF behind LF
7,8Step LF to left side, touch R beside LF
Jazzbox with ¼ turn R x2
1,2Cross RF over LF, make a ¼ turn R stepping back on LF
3,4Step RF to right side, step LF slightly fwd
5-8Repeat count 1-4 in this section, end facing 6 o’clock
Fwd, touch x2, V-step
1,2Step RF fwd on right diagonal, touch L beside RF
3,4Step LF fwd on left diagonal, touch R beside LF
5,6Step RF out to right side, step LF out to left side
7,8Step RF back to center, step LF beside RF (weight ends on LF)