Easy Rider
Jessica LaVenter (USA) - 2024
Black Motorcycle - Kassi Ashton
Notes: 32 count intro, no tags, no restarts
[1-8] Walk RF, 1/4 LF, 1/4 RF Coaster, Walk RF, LF, Triple step
1-2Step RF forward, step LF 1/4 side
3&4Step RF 1/4 back, Step LF next to RF, Step RF forward
5-6Walk LF forward, walk RF forward
7&8Step LF, Bring RF to LF, Step LF forward
[9-16] Rock, Recover, 1/2 Triple step, Rock, Recover, Hip Swivel
1-2Rock RF forward, Recover onto LF
3&4Step RF 1/2 back, Bring LF to RF, Step RF forward
5-6Rock LF forward, Recover onto RF
7&8Step LF back, Swivel R hip
[17-24] Pony, Coaster, Step out LF, Step out RF, Heel swivels 3x
1&2Step RF back, Rock on L toe, Recover on RF
3&4Step LF back, Bring RF to LF, Step LF forward
&5, 6Step RF out R, Step LF out L, Swivel L heel in/out
7-8Swivel R heel in/out, Swivel L heel in/out
[25-32] Sailor step 2x, Paddle 1/4 turn 2x
1&2Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L, Step RF to R
3&4Cross LF behind RF, Step RF to R, Step LF to L
5-6Step RF forward, Swivel 1/4 on L toe
7-8Step RF forward, Swivel 1/4 on L toe
Last Update – 4 Jan 2025-R1