I Never Lie (I Sleep Like a Baby)
Jennifer Klotz (USA) - December 2024
I Never Lie - Zach Top
I. [1-8] Monterey Step, Point Flick, Rocking Chair.
1&2Tap R toe out to R side. In a syncopated motion bring R foot back to place, while switching weight to it and point L toe out to L side.
&3,4In A syncopated motion bring L foot Back to place switching your weight to it, and Point your R Toe out to the R Side. Bring Your R foot up behind your L knee in a flicking motion.
5,6,7,8,Step forward with your R foot bearing weight, rock your weight back to your L foot, step back on your R foot bearing weight. Step forward on to your L foot.
II. [9-16] 1/4 L Pivot Turn, Weave with Point, Cross Point.
9,10.Step Forward on R Foot, Turn Over Left Shoulder, keeping weight on L foot.
11-14Step R over L, Step L out to the side, step R behind L, Point L out to the side.
15,16.Step L foot across R foot, point R out to the side.
Restarts Happen Here. Wall 6 (facing 12:00) & Wall 9 (Facing 6)
III. [17-24] Shuffle Forward Rock Recover, Shuffle Back Rock Recover
17&18.Step R foot forward, bring L foot up to R, step forward on R. Step L Forward rocking
19,20 all weight to it, step back on R foot with all weight.
21& 22.Step L Foot backwards, bring R foot up to L, Step L foot back. Step R Foot
23,24backwards rocking all weight to it, step forward on R.
IV. [25-32] 1/4 Pivot Paddle turn X2, Jazz Box
25,26,Touch R foot forward, pivot 1/4 turn over L shoulder. Touch R foot forward, Pivot
27,28,1/4 Turn over L shoulder.
29,30,Cross R foot over L, step back on L,
31,32,Step R out to the side, step L next to R
You can upgrade this dance with adding some more advanced steps like:A rolling Left vine
with a Cross Point 11-14. You can also Try Half Turning Shuffles for 17&18, 21&22
Last Update: 7 Jan 2025