Eileen Derrick (USA) - December 2024
Shady (feat. Nile Rodgers & Sam Sparro) - Adam Lambert
Count in: 32 counts from vocals (26 seconds)
*1 restart, 1 tag on walls 1,4, 5
(1 – 8) Walk, walk, forward Mambo, walk back, walk back, coaster
1,2Walk forward R,L
3&4Rock Forward R, Recover back L, Step L next to R
5,6Walk back L, R
7&8Back l, step R next to L, step forward L (12:00)
(9 – 16) Rock to right, recover , cross shuffle, Hinge ( ¼ R x 2), cross shuffle
1,2Rock R to the R, recover on L
3&4Cross R over L, step L to L side, cross R over L
5,6¼ R on L, ¼ turn R on R
7&8Cross L over R, step R to right, cross L over R (6.00)
(17-24) Rock R to Right, L ¼ to left, shuffle forward, Rock, recover, shuffle ¼ L
1,2Rock R to right, ¼ left, recover on L (3:00)
3&4Shuffle forward R,L,R
5,6Rock forward L, recover on R
7&8Shuffle ¼ left, L,R,L (12:00)
(25-32) Skate, skate, shuffle forward, Rock, recover, L ½ turn toe strut
1,2Skate R, L
3&4Shuffle forward R,L,R
5,6Rock forward L, recover R
7,8Touch L toe back, pivot ½ to left, transferring weight to L (6:00)
TAG: stomp R, stomp L in place (2 counts)
32counts, tag
24counts, restart
32counts, tag
32counts, tag x 2 (4 stomps)
32counts for 3 more sets ‘til end of dance
Option: The dance ends on wall 6. You can choose to replace the last 2 counts with 2 stomps
Contact: Eileen Derrick